Public Mediation

P.G. vs. Pacific Gas And Electric Company

  • 1% of recovery offered for best resolution

wrongfully accused and being over charged for damages

P. G. vs. Pg&E And Jnr Adjustment Company, Inc.
PG&E: P.O. Box 997300 Sacramento, California, 95899-7300, Jnr Adjustment: 3300 Fernbrook Lane North Suite 225, Plymouth, Minnesota, 55447, United States
Amount Involved: $3,588.00
Complaint(s): Unreasonable Fees
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
      (seeking public comment)
    • Claimant Seeks: View.
    • Claim #: 4938444
    • Amount Involved: 3,588.00
    • Filed On: Mar 03, 2020
    • Posted On: Mar 14, 2020
    • Complaint(s):
      • Unreasonable Fees
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"PG&E works were out probing for gas leaks. They discovered a leak and dug a trench  revealing a steel 1 inch gas line. The trench they dug was 10 inches wide by 14 to 16 inches deep and about 6 feet long. Looking down you could see the top of a steel gas line with what appeared to be 90's on each end. They wrote a report and gave it to the La Marage office to have the steel gas line leak fixed. La Marage sent me, Paul Gac to go fix it. I walked up on the already dug trench and saw the top on the steel 1 inch gas line. I took a pipe wrench and started unscrewing the gas line going down into the ground from the meter and noticed the 90"s were loose. Not being able to put a pipe wrench on the 90 in the trench because of hard clay dirt around the pipe I took a screw driver to try to remove the clay so I could put a pipe wrench on it, and somehow directly under the steel pipe was the plastic main line of PG&E"s and the screw driver poked a hole in it. They are saying its my fault because I didnt have D.I.G. come out and mark the utilities. I didnt even have a shovel to dig, they are the ones that dug the trench.

I recieved damage claim #C20193819914-NXF7   Damage Date 02/20/2019 Amount $3588.91
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Exhibits View
Additional Communication Between Claimant and Pg&E And Jnr Adjustment Company, Inc. Hide
  • Mar 13, 2020, Claiming party added:
  • The PG&E person that keeps calling me to collect the 3588.00 is
    Andrew Thompson

  • Mar 17, 2020, Claiming party added:
  • How can a screw driver size hole in a 1 inch plastic pipe cost this much to fix

  • Mar 17, 2020, Claiming party added:
  • the bill

What Claimant Wants Hide
Message from Claimant: sorry the amount for 35878 is wrong this is the right amount 3588.00
1. disregaurd property damage claim Mar 21, 2020 $3,588.00
Cash total : $3,588.00
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Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from PG&E and JNR Adjustment Company, Inc.. This claim will remain posted until resolved
Offer History
Mar 06, 2020
Claimant's Terms of Settlement to PG&E and JNR Adjustment Company, Inc.
Mar 03, 2020
Claimant's Terms of Settlement to PG&E and JNR Adjustment Company, Inc.
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  • Contributed Solution: by George Maxwell On 03-20-2020
    PG&E is requiring a condo board to DIY the repair of a gas line? Does their legal counsel know this? More...
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I am (not) alone, and I feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine...~ Goethe

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