Public Mediation

Mitchell County Utilities-Dispute-#5519940

C. J. vs. Mitchell County Utilities
5353 Lake County Road 256, Colorado City, Texas, 79512, United States
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"I have two different complaints on this company. First, I have recently moved and asked for my return of my deposit. They said I owed them money so therefore I would not get anything back and would get a bill. Now, for the past 3 years every spring as soon as it's warm and not having to use gas; I have always called them and asked to disconnect my meter due to no usage what soever, the only thing that ran on natural gas was my furnace for which I disconnect (turn off) to save. They refuse to pull it and continued to charge me the base rate of $15.00 which I was ok with at first, but later noticed I was having to pay $30-$45 dollars everyother month, called and questioned it and they said it was our fault cause we had a leak. I disagreed and had no choice but to pay. This has been a continued cycle for the past 3 years!! I asked for the meter to be pulled this spring and again in the summer over the same miss hap and they refused to pull it, however, Mr. Tom Carlock, Manager /owner (I think) came to my door one day and told me he found the leak it WAS on their side of the meter and they were capping it off. I walked outside with this man and his worker both were present, If we still wanted it pulled they would pull it but I would have to pay another $75.00 for a reconnect and so to be ok with this since he admited it was their fault and he said he capped it off I left it alone. Now, that we are moving the secretary says i do not get my deposit back and I owed money for a previous bill back in 2004!!! I was not living here in 2004, I argued with the lady named Pat Whitzel, and I even have proof I was not living at the address she provided and she still refused to give me my money back. Now, this would be the second deposit, I did not receive from this same company. I feel this is very wrong and I aim to take this as far as I need to due to me being unemployeed and being honest with these people and needing my money back. I have paid all my bills and MORE as a matter of fact, and am being wrongfully accused of owing money to them, and they refusing to take honest correct action for their mistakes. Now, there should be consequences; I can provide the written prove from my landlord at the address she is saying I owe for that I did not reside at this residence, when she states I did. As for my bill now she still charged me for the month of July and only refunded me half of my deposit. I do not see why I had to pay for the meter being capped off, back in June. And as it stands we are no longer at this address, and my husband called to ask why the meter has not been pulled and they asked him, why was he worried about it! (having all of them on speaker phone) He stated to them that because we would not going to be responsible for someone else moving in and getting service with them for which, come winter, they will have to, cause the rental is natural gas only at this time, and we be charged again like last time for someone else. She said we were now out of the system and it would be taken care of. I still think this is VERY UNPROFESSIONAL and VERY DISHONEST!!!!"
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What Claimant Wants Hide
1. Compensation: Full Deposit for this 2009 account..amount owed on it ; Sep 21, 2012 $35.00
2. Compensation: full deposit for the 2004 account that was closed out in February when I moved Sep 21, 2012 $75.00
3. Monetary items with amounts to be determined: for all the past months that we were OVER CHARGED every spring and summer Sep 21, 2012 TBD*
4. Other – Pay for claim posting cost Sep 21, 2012 $7.95
Just make me happy!
Claimant invites Mitchell County Utilities to make a fair offer to resolve this complaint.
Cash total : $117.95*
*Amount shown is not final: total will increase when pending amount(s) are known and entered.
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Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Mitchell County Utilities. This claim will remain posted until resolved
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  • Comment: by Nicole Turchiano — Online mediator
  • On: 11-13-2012
  • This could be a settlement for small claims court. The offending party is at fault for over-charging you as their customer. As long as there are written proofs of all of the complaints, this case is yours. A company can not charge you for something that you do not even have residency over, that is fraud.
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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.

I am (not) alone, and I feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine...~ Goethe

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