Public Mediation

Nissan Patterson-Dispute-#1144414

D. W. vs. Nissan Patterson
1201 McCann Rd, Longview, Texas, 75601, United States
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"I purchased a 2007 Chevy Malibu back in June 2012. My car that I had before was giving me issues and i went to the dealership for help so i could have something dependable to get back and forth to work and I have a child who i carry around as well. Basically, they only gave me one option and told me my credit was not good enough for anything else. They lied and at the time i was unaware. Also, not even a week later i had the 2007 chevy in the shop because the car was giving me issues. Since then i have had the car back in the shop twice one problem due to the transmission slipping. I had to pay for a rental that i had for two wks because the machanic Jason told me that he was waiting for a part to come in to fix my transmission. When i talked to Jason when i picked the car up he told me all that was wrong were some few loose screws. Of coarse i got out to my car then and nothing was diff. on it. I also asked for a carfax from my sales man and he told me 'oh we don't take cars that have been wrecked.' I have not checked yet to see if that is true or not and is my next step. I have recently went up there trying to get out from underneath this pit of a car and was told that yes i can trade it in for 8,500 dollars and I would also have 2,000 in rebates and looked at a 2013 Nissan Senatra and my payments would be only $40 more than my notes that I have on my car now. Now they are saying i am unable because i am not able to get a loan, i just left my bank and i have no issue getting a loan. Now they are sayng they will give me 6,000 for my car and only 500 in rebates. I guess they just dont want to buy back the piece of crap they sold me that's supposed to last me for 5 yrs with notes for $340 a mth. I need some help here and i don't know what i need to do to get this fixed. They should be responsible for buying this car back from me that way i can get refinanced for another vehicle that's dependable. Thank You"
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Additional Communication Between Claimant and Nissan Patterson Hide
  • Jan 24, 2013, Nissan Patterson (responding party) added:
  • Mrs. Webb: Thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention. I have looked into the matter on my end and wanted to share what I have found out. 1) Regarding you original concern about the transmission; my records show that we replaced your transmission with a re-manufactured transmission as per the warranty companies instructions. We also replaced the front hub assemblies. My records show that we collected $127 from you for these repairs. 2) Regarding the rental car; I show that you were in the car for 14 days and your warranty company paid for 2 days and we paid for the rest. If you have a receipt showing that you paid the balance I will be happy to reimburse you for it. 3) After trying to obtain financing for you yesterday; the lenders that we have access to would not approve you for a loan greater than what you have now. If you have your own source for financing I will be happy to do whatever I can to assist.
    Thank you again for your business and please let me know if I can assist.

What Claimant Wants Hide
Just make me happy!
Claimant invites Nissan Patterson to make a fair offer to resolve this complaint.
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Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Nissan Patterson. This claim will remain posted until resolved
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  • Comment: by Jennifer Sheehy — Online mediator
  • On: 02-06-2013
  • It sounds like, from the reply above, that this particular company is willing to work with you to get to a resolution you can both agree on. In this situation, it seems that you may have been able to get financing from an outside source (you made the suggestion that your bank may have been able to approve you for a car loan). Sometimes financing through stores or companies may come with limiting terms or such that means that while you may be able to get financing elsewhere, you for some reason do not qualify under their specific program. That does not mean that if you aren’t able to get alternate financing that some form of deal can’t be worked out. Did you provide the information that they requested (the rental car receipt information) to make sure you were reimbursed for that cost? It sounds like there has been a line of communication open, you should continue to work with them to make sure you are happy with repairs, or if you are able to get some form of alternative financing, to work with them to reach a deal on a new purchase.
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