Public Mediation

N.R. vs. Colorado Renaissance Festival

  • $100 cash reward offered for best resolution

Jim Paradise and tax agent in collusion to defraud crafters

N. R. vs. Colorado Renaissance Festival
650 Perry Park Ave, Larkspur, Connecticut, 80118-8246 , United States
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
      (seeking public comment)
    • Claimant Seeks: View.
    • Claim #: 1238606
    • Amount Involved: 87,400.00
    • Filed On: Aug 14, 2019
    • Posted On: Aug 24, 2019
    • Complaint(s):
      • Bad business practices
      • Overcharge or billing error
      • Other
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"Jim Paradise, owner Colorado Renaissance festival is in collusion with Colorado State Tax agent  to extort funds from his crafts businesses with fraudulent tax claims, using threatening  and defaming procedures. His office person, Darla Smith sent us a threatening letter last month warning us to be up to date on taxes because the tax agent Jamie Nicolelli will be in to vist and will start legal procedings if we dont pay. This tax agent shared false information with Jim Paradise and Darla Smith (and my booth people) implying that I am delinquent on my taxes; I am not. Her letter she handed to my counter worker had false information on it(that she later in an email admitted was made-up) that implied I was a delinquent tax payer, the letter had threats of legal procedings should I not pay by the next week. The amount was 10X what I normally pay each year to the state of Colorado.  My gal was terrified and shaking all work day, and now does not trust me and is threatening to quit.. The office at the festival just wrote me a lengthy threatening letter defaming my business; and since they have already refused to accept my payment for the contract they offered me last week for 2020 season because I wrote them a letter of complaint he said was "nasty"), I offered payment twice, I told them they were defending an untenable position with this tax agent. I suppose they are trying to develope the same scheme they have with the City of Larkspur they were extorteted for by the mayor, where we are required to go in to the office each week and pay exorbitant amounts of tax (4% for a one-horse-town) to the city of Larkspur on the mayor's threat of fair closure. I tried to reason with the CRF office, but they chose instead to defend the tax agent and the letter she personally handed out during the show day July 28, 2019 of threat and defamy."
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Additional Communication Between Claimant and Colorado Renaissance Festival Hide
  • Aug 23, 2019, Claiming party added:
  • This letter Jamie Nicolelli (JN) handed to my booth gal is offensive even if I was a delinquent tax payer, which I am not. "Defamation" is to injure a party's good reputation with smearing or false information. My booth gal said this was "Mob-like treatment" and the interaction with the tax agent " 10minutes before opening! That left me shaky but I made a good day anyway ". Then after Jim Paradise refused our payments for 2020 contract, my booth gal said Jim told her "the office wont accept our payments until he talks to you (me) personally because my complaint letter sounded "nasty" " Well, Complaints usually sound that way... especially after a letter like that. Then my booth gal wrote: "Jim probably wants to make sure I pay my taxes on time from now on." Proof of Defamy. Because of this letter from Tax Agent Jamie Nicolelli my booth gal believes me to be a delinquent tax payer.

  • Aug 23, 2019, Claiming party added:
  • I sent (8-19-2019) a check for 2020 fees to the office with the contract-payment outline CRF (Colorado Renaissance Festival) offered me the week before Tax Agent Jamie Nicolelli (TAJN) presented my booth gal with a threatening and very offensive letter . I will expect the contract to be honored or the defamation lawsuit will continue.

  • Aug 28, 2019, Claiming party added:
  • I just recvd 8-27, 2019 another letter from CDoR saying I havent paid 7-18 tax, when I have sent them copies of statement and cancelled check for year 2018 paid on 1-21-19, which is when their forms say its due. I think this is a case of their office being totally screwed up and not knowing what the other hand is doing. That she has to resort to being nasty and spreading bad mean information around shows she is NEW. These are states that are going digital with their sales tax and revenue. I have experience with 20 states and filing sales taxes there 40 yr period. and they ALL go thru these growing pains. they target crafts/art sales because they are paranoid and think we are hoarding cash and not paying taxes on it, and they get themselves worked up into a tizzy about. these days almost everything is digital anyway; we ALL have card machines and its 90% charges every weekend. If they want to find cash, they should look at the owners of these shows who take ONLY cash at their concession stands, and we are talking 10K at each stand each week end. They should stop their harassment of craftspersons. Arizona, NewYork, Carolinas, Michigan, Texas nothing as mean as Jamie Nocile

  • Sep 15, 2019, Claiming party added:
  • This is the horrible letter she passed around at my booth in my absence...

What Claimant Wants Hide
1. Compensation: 8 years of ruined implied contract Dec 31, 2019 $80,000.00
2. Damages: loss of trust and manager Dec 31, 2019 $5,000.00
3. Recovery of Losses: loss of sales 7-28-2019 Aug 29, 2019 $1,000.00
4. Pay me for my time: 2 weeks of work 1 hour day Aug 29, 2019 $1,400.00
5. Other – Copy claim to regulators Aug 29, 2019 $9.99
6. Other – Physical delivery charges Aug 29, 2019 $4.99
Cash total : $87,414.98
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Awaiting response from Party
stanley midling commented
stanley midling (Comment):
"ok this also sounds like a crime, so you may want to contact your local F.B.I. office and report this ok, this will also help later on with your claim ok."
 (3 years ago)

Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Colorado Renaissance Festival. This claim will remain posted until resolved
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  • Contributed Solution: by George Maxwell On 09-12-2019
    Is Jim Paradise willing to accept the claimant's application for the 2020 festival if the tax situation is resolved? More...
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