Public Mediation

S.W. vs. Caleb Walsh, Denise Walsh, Marco Kozlowski, "Red Lighthouse Management Co."

  • 15% of recovery offered for best resolution
S. W. vs. Caleb Walsh, Denise Walsh, Marco Kozlowski, Red Lighthouse Management Co. - Johnruth Capital
13194 US Highway 301 S # 374 Riverview FL 33578-7410, 127 W Fairbanks Ave Pmb 242, Winter Park, Florida, 32789, United States
Amount Involved: $3,200.00
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
      (seeking public comment)
    • Claimant Seeks: 1 non-monetary items.
    • Claim #: 1440407
    • Amount Involved: 3,200.00
    • Filed On: Jul 13, 2020
    • Posted On: Jul 24, 2020
    • Complaint(s):
      • Rude or Unprofessional Behavior
      • Discrimination
      • Policy
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"I was recently hired to run multiple properties as well as be the Executive Personal Assistant to Josh Mance. I was originally responding to a customer service job from home. I had no experience in real estate. I was given access to mulitple documents and i printed all of them because when I was told to say certain things and also told to write illegal documents and falsify my name. I know the truth of what he is really doing. The residents are very low income, disabled or criminals. He gets the properties , has them sign or not ever sign anything and puts them off , files Chapter 11 and falsified documents to make it look like he is really fixing them but really is not. He has tenants or fake managers get cash and rob his residents so they look noncompliant as well as given them fines to obtain judgements for a tax write off as well as other illegal reasons. He is a fraud and he sickens me."
Reply Have a similar problem?
  • 06-10-2020 — Began Employment
  • 06-10-2020 — Couldn't clock in due to an Upwork issue
  • 06-10-2020 — Training
  • 06-10-2020 — Told Josh messages including waste mgt. about to place a lien on company
  • 06-11-2020 — Told me "to take notes" on our conversations as well as when watching his video
  • 06-11-2020 — Tenant Issue, Dangerous living cond. for resident Spent all day trying to get this fixed with Josh and lack of communication. Power company had to shut off power to tenant due to fire hazard. Took almost a week before Josh approved the repair.
  • 06-12-2020 — Septic Issues as well as my phone system was down due to using a app while waiting for my work phone to arrive.
  • 06-12-2020 — Issue with a tenants account not updated. Josh stated the book keeper made a mistake.
  • 06-13-2020 — Josh and i texted a lot. It is a Saturday. My day off.
  • 06-14-2020 — Spoke to Josh about tech issues. It is a Sunday.
  • 06-15-2020 — Health Dept out at one of our properties also told to hire a onsite mgr. Josh provided a list of applications to go over
  • 06-15-2020 — Septic issues still not being addressed by Josh. I also reached out to him about a personal issue.
  • 06-15-2020 — Discussed a potential interview for Josh to review and decide. He did not like the guy and called him names. Was also ordered to not talk to Mary Meeks.
  • 06-17-2020 — Health Dept Issues, system issues,bills not being paid or addressed on time due to Josh
  • 06-18-2020 — broken water lines, I hired Sean B, systems down again for tenants to pay rent
  • 06-22-2020 — Sean B. still not recieved his new hire info. I told Josh. Josh was training someone and was too busy. I just had a loss at lunch in my family. I still worked. Trash issue still on going.
  • 06-26-2020 — internet outage in my area.
  • 06-26-2020 — Argued to still be able to work even without internet. Was approved.
  • 06-29-2020 — Josh out of town again and needs even more help from me.
  • 06-30-2020 — Was told to inform tenants on all properties only to make payments at the bank. System was out and getting a new one. My phone system was out again. Reached out to Josh.
  • 07-01-2020 — Multiple issues. Josh replied he was unavailable.
  • 07-01-2020 — Needs me to do extra work to cover for him. it was a priorty over anything else.Was given a script by Josh. Still system issues for tenants to pay. Needed information on Sean B. the new hire . I had given it to him week prior.
  • 07-02-2020 — Health Dept returns, threatens fines.
  • 07-03-2020 — Supposed to have day off but Josh never fixed the trash and health dept issue effectively so he escalated it to me and the new onsite mgr. after almost 2 weeks addressing this with him daily.
  • 07-04-2020 — Josh and I had a dispute during my day off due to him always wanting me to do extra free work and clean up his messes.
  • 07-05-2020 — We resolved issue from day prior.
  • 07-06-2020 — Verbal warning for my outburst that was on the 4th on my day off to him on a holiday without pay.
  • 07-09-2020 — Josh had yet another urgent matter. Needed pictures for insurance so it wouldn't cancel. I had told him for a month it was about to cancel. So I had to stop my job duties once again to fix his negligence. I completed it and was told I did great etc.
  • 07-10-2020 — I had worked over throughout the week so I could only work a half day. I noticed some serious issues and reached out to Josh. His response I know was illegal. I later emailed Caleb Walsh to discuss issues and concerns I had.
  • 07-13-2020 — Terminated.
Additional Communication Between Claimant and Caleb Walsh, Denise Walsh, Marco Kozlowski, Red Lighthouse Management Co. - Johnruth Capital Hide
  • Aug 29, 2020, Claiming party added:
  • I will whistle blow on this company . If he pays me I’ll give him everything I have on his company.

What Claimant Wants Hide
Message from Claimant: Sunday, July 26, 2020 5:23 PM (UTC)

Honestly, I do not want to fight anymore . To me, this is unfair to both Caleb Walsh and myself. We do not know each other and have had to have too many third parties involved. Honestly, I would just like to video chat openly with Caleb with no malice. Just to communicate my side to him. I think if he and I could just talk, we could find a fair resolution. I don't want money from him that I didn't work for or take from him and his success. I do, however, want the pay in dispute because I did work for it. I also think to be fair, I should just get compensated for the whole month of July due to all the time and energy wasted on this. I think it would be a fair type of a punitive damage. If Caleb Walsh will agree to this or offer a way to make him comfortable for this ultimate goal, I will agree to destroy any and all things that are associated with him and his company and return the phone. I also agree to put our agreement in writing that we decide on. Life is too short.our message here

I sent this to Upwork mediator today.
What By When How Much
1. To talk to Caleb Walsh Via Video or in person Aug 10, 2020 N/A
1. July Pay dispute Aug 10, 2020 $800.00
2. Damages Aug 10, 2020 $2,400.00
Cash total : $3,200.00
Non-cash: 1 items
  • 0
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Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Caleb Walsh, Denise Walsh, Marco Kozlowski, Red Lighthouse Management Co. - JohnRuth Capital. This claim will remain posted until resolved
Offer History
Jul 23, 2020
Claimant's Terms of Settlement to Caleb Walsh, Denise Walsh, Marco Kozlowski, Red Lighthouse Management Co. - JohnRuth Capital
Jul 13, 2020
Claimant's Terms of Settlement to Caleb Walsh, Denise Walsh, Marco Kozlowski, Red Lighthouse Management Co. - JohnRuth Capital
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  • Contributed Solution: by J Petaluma On 07-29-2020
    I second George Maxwell's recommendations about reporting this company to DOL and HUD More...
If you are a party to this claim, click here.
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  • 4
  • Contributed Solution: by George Maxwell On 07-27-2020
    I recommend that the claimant file a complaint with the Department of Labor Wage and Hour division, and also a Whistleblower complaint with HUD or whatever program is using these sub-standard properties to house impoverished people. More...
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