Public Mediation

William Thompson vs. Hillary Clinton

It is Time Hillary Clinton Pays for her Crimes against America!

W. T. vs. Hillary Clinton
Post Office Box 5256, New York, New York, 10185, United States
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
      (seeking public comment)
    • Claimant Seeks: View.
    • Claim #: 8186770
    • Amount Involved: 300,000,000.00
    • Filed On: Nov 13, 2016
    • Posted On: Nov 24, 2016
    • Complaint(s):
      • Unjust or misguided public policy
      • Failure to protect intellectual property or other rights
      • Public safety issue
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"I am filing a civil Lawsuit against you for committing Perjury, Fraud, Tax Evasion, Permitting Classified government information to transmitted on unsecured servers and devices, Mental anguish, Pain and suffering."
Reply Have a similar problem?
  • 08-01-1986 — 30 Years of crimes against the US Citizens
What Claimant Wants Hide
1. Compensation: 30 Years of crimes Dec 31, 2016 $300,000,000.00
2. Other – Pay for claim posting cost Dec 31, 2016 $7.99
Cash total : $300,000,007.99
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Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Hillary Clinton. This claim will remain posted until resolved
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  • Comment: by Steve McAllister (512 points) — Auto Dealer
  • On: 12-01-2016
  • First, I must unreservedly apologize to you, William T,  for believing that you must be drunk, stoned, mindlessly vitriolic, or just trying to jump on the bandwagon. You say you're not, and that is good enough for me. I apologize for thinking and saying such a thing.

    However, let's look at this from the point of view of any court. 

    Your big issue in your claim is that Ms Clinton permitted classified information to be transmitted on unsecured servers. Yet your statement about "making America Great again," the slogan of President-elect Trump's campaign, would lead the court to believe that you whole-heartedly support President-elect Trump, and therefore also support his serious consideration of David Petraeus as Secretary of State. 

    Since Petraeus did in fact provide classified information via an unsecured server - to a journalist, no less - while employed as the Director of the CIA, it's clear that President-elect Trump isn't really too worried about how classified information is handled. Your position is therefore incontrovertibly inconsistent and politically motivated, failing to show any damage suffered by you.

    Further, you need to provide proof that you also strenuously objected to, and filed lawsuits regarding, Cheney's ties to Halliburton and its notorious no-bid (and highly lucrative) contracts. with the US government  

    Given Cheney's involvement in the baseless Iraq war, which has cost some 4,500 US soldiers and some 500,000 Iraqi citizens their lives, as well as costing taxpayers roughly $2 trillion, any failure to condemn  Cheney much more strongly than you condemn Clinton, shows your claim to be politically motivated and partisan in the extreme. 

    Should you not be able to show that 
    a) you disavow President-elect Trump and did not vote for him or support him, and 
    b) that you did file suit against Cheney (or others in government who squandered lives and taxpayer dollars) 

    then I believe you'll be laughed out of court. But go for it - some lawyer will make money off it. It all goes towards full employment.
  • Comment: by Claimant On: 11-30-2016
  • To Steve M. Auto Dealer.

    Dear sir,

    First I was hardly drunk and you are absurd to assume such a thing.

    I have done my research and it is a travesty that Hillary is not in prison. I have stood by and watch her lie, cheat, steel and misuse my yes, my money. I am a citizen I pay taxes in fact a lot of tax thru the years.

    Her 30-year reign as a PUBLIC servant has proven over and over again that she is nothing sort of a Mobster worse than ever seen in the US, my United States.

     You sir are un just to assume that I am a band wagoner and that I do not have good intentions in mind and to help to make a change. Answer me this should she not pay for her Obvious  crimes against America? It is only her leverage of corruptness that goes as far as probably several Presidents that is keeping her from prison! 

    I will give you this that the amount of this claim is drastic but so is the Clinton Foundation use of funds. If you google P&L statements from the foundation you will find just in 2013-2014 $294,741,157.00 in total revenue that less than 5% was used for anything good? In fact, this also includes $92,923.660.00 in GOVERNMENT GRANTS and yes tax payer money hard at work again! 

    Before you point your hi and mighty finger at my claim, it is a fact that her daughter used Contributions and Government Grant money to fund her lavish wedding or is this okay because it was part of the $15,000,000.00 that they took as payroll?

    My facts are proven and public record, Hillary Clinton herself is on TV record committing perjury. It is not a secret and the whole country knows it! 

    These are just a few points of rebuttal to your long-winded statement and I urge you to do something to make a difference instead of attacking my claim! 

    Once this moves to a class action lawsuit against Hilary and the Clinton foundation I have plans to do plenty of good with whatever the outcome brings, starting with the loss of life that she was part of to help the military families that were hurt by her negligent actions as a PUBLIC SERVANT! 

    In all reality, this claim should be more than 6 BILLION dollars to put back into  taxes, hey maybe even Social Security that will not be there for me or you when we need it! 

     I thank you for your opinions and your post, I appreciate your views. 

    God Bless and here is to making America Great again and putting a stop to long term corruption that we have all endured.        

  • 4
  • Contributed Solution: by Steve McAllister On 11-30-2016
    Claimant may need a refresher course in civics and basic humanity. More...
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