I enjoy trying to help people on this site. I read many claims where people have clearly been bullied or ignored by companies who deny basic fairness "because they can" --the claimant just needs a helping hand towards a fair resolution. Occasionally you see claims where the claimant has the wrong end of the stick and needs help to recognize that.
And then you get absurd claims like this, where someone is drunk, stoned, mindlessly vitriolic, or just trying to jump on the bandwagon. You know what?
As a taxpaying citizen, I'm madder than hell that my money was squandered on the School of the Americas and essentially used to kill American citizens (nuns, no less).
I'm madder than hell that my money was used to wage the Iraq war, justified by paper-thin excuses that Congress, yes, Clinton included, and the American public bought wholesale. A media-literate 10th grader should have been able to see through it all.
I'm madder than hell that a President of the United States would have spent MY money entertaining Billy Graham and his gleeful joy at the prospect of drowning roughly 1 million Vietnamese by blowing up dikes in Vietnam.
I'm madder than hell that that same president, Nixon, completely ignored the CIA's opinion that Allende was no danger to the US and went ahead with getting rid of him - on my dime - and letting people like Rodrigo de Negri burn to death.
I'm madder than hell that JFK loved counter-insurgency theories and got to play with them in Guatemala - wiping out entire communities in the process.
I'm madder than hell that Reagan lied about the Iran-Conta thingy. Remember that?
I'm madder than hell that Bush spied on us and lied about it. Ask Edward Snowden about that one, if you weren't paying attention at the time.
I could go on ad nauseum.
You want $300 million because your feelings were hurt, and because you're greedy. I want millions of people - including Americans - who were killed or grievously injured on my dime to live again. Both of us are going to be bitterly disappointed.
If you have any brain cells at all, you will quit whining, do some reading, and try to help your elected government think - honestly think! - about the wars they wage instead of trumping up false patriotism and weasling around to serve their own ends and beliefs.
Spend some time trying to truly help other people.