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My Claim vs. Fusion Dental, Eldersburg Md

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M. O. vs. Fusion Dental, Eldersburg Md
5959 Exchange Dr Ste 116, Eldersburg, Maryland, 21784-9255 , United States
Amount Involved: Other terms
Complaint(s): Denial of Care
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"I went to see about getting dentures, and a Dr Che came in and I explained my past trauma with my teeth being knocked out by a push down the stairs onto concrete. When my second teeth came in they were rotted because of what happened to me at age 3. For some state law I as not able to get caps for my teeth until I was 16. (Massachusetts law). I had innumerable dentures but only one ever fit. Unfortunately, my dog chewed the only one pair I could ever wear. I have been without teeth for about 6 years now. It destroys your self esteem and is hard to live and eat this way. I got the Stimulus check and was going to see about getting a new set.All she did was look in my mouth and tell me I needed a Specialist. I got a bill for $350.00 for this. When I wrote her a letter she reduced my bill to $250.00. I called them and they said they would reduce this down  to $150.00 for a consultation. I told her this is ridiculous as she didn't do anything. I don't feel I owe her anything as she did nothing."
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Additional Communication Between Claimant and Fusion Dental, Eldersburg Md Hide
  • Mar 08, 2021, Claiming party added:
  • I don’t feel I should have to pay this bill for nothing. I was given a referral to a so called specialist, this does not constitute the absurd $105.00 bill. Please just drop the bill, it’s not fair at all.

  • Mar 08, 2021, Fusion Dental, Eldersburg MD (responding party) added:
  • Feb 3 Response transferred from 2nd claim: As we have said before both to you via telephone as well as to a previous claim filed on this site, we have made what we feel is more than adequate adjustments on our end. You were seen by the doctor for an exam and an x-ray was taken. We wrote off the x-ray and changed the code fro the exam to one with a lower fee. The doctor wouldn't be able to tell if you needed to see a specialist without an exam. You chose to make and keep an appointment with a provider, and she deserves to be paid for her time and services. A visit that would have normally been about $260 was lessened to $105 for you and we will not be making any more adjustments as we feel it's not fair for the doctor to not be paid for the time she spent.

  • Mar 08, 2021, Claiming party added:
  • Claim No.:2777403 Filed @/13:
    They refuse to just leave me alone. Threatening letters. They did nothing they lowered my bill twice, and still think I should pay for a referral to someone else.

  • Mar 08, 2021, Claiming party added:
  • Response 2/13:

    The contact person listed is an incorrect doctor name. You have been and will continue to be corresponding with the practice manager. As we stated in response to the two other claims posted to this site, we have made several adjustments to lower the cost of the visit you had with the doctor and she deserves to be compensated for the time she spent with you. We will not be paying anything towards your choice to post things to this site, as it was your decision to utilize and pay for this service, not ours. Should you have any other questions, you can feel free to call the office and I will be happy to speak with you again, but as I have stated several times before we wrote off 2/3 of the cost for your visit, and we will not be making any other adjustments. The doctor deserves to be compensated for the time she spent during the appointment you chose to make and keep.

  • Mar 08, 2021, Fusion Dental, Eldersburg MD (responding party) added:
  • Response 2/13: The contact person listed is an incorrect doctor name. You have been and will continue to be corresponding with the practice manager. As we stated in response to the two other claims posted to this site, we have made several adjustments to lower the cost of the visit you had with the doctor and she deserves to be compensated for the time she spent with you. We will not be paying anything towards your choice to post things to this site, as it was your decision to utilize and pay for this service, not ours. Should you have any other questions, you can feel free to call the office and I will be happy to speak with you again, but as I have stated several times before we wrote off 2/3 of the cost for your visit, and we will not be making any other adjustments. The doctor deserves to be compensated for the time she spent during the appointment you chose to make and keep.

  • Mar 08, 2021, Claiming party added:
  • Claim No.:3019457 2/13
    They did nothing for me and are charging 105.00 for nothing.Dr Che was not helpful at all. Her two minute look in my mouth is not worth $105.00

What Claimant Wants Hide
Just make me happy!
Claimant invites Fusion Dental, Eldersburg MD to make a fair offer.
1. Other – Pay for claim posting cost Jan 22, 2021 $14.99
Cash total : TBD
  • -1
Do you agree with the claimant’s demands?  (If you are a party to this claim, click here.)
Sal Chicago commented
Sal Chicago (Comment):
"Sorry but there seems to be no legitimate claim here."
 (4 years ago)
Respondent's Counteroffer Hide
The claimant's settlement terms were rejected with the following explanation:
  • I disagree with the explanation / grounds provided

    "Upon review of your account, the dentist did provide a comprehensive exam and came to the conclusion that ethically she was not going to be able to adequately provide you the care needed. She referred you to a specialist, as she discussed with you at the exam. We have already reduced your out of pocket expense several times, and we are only holding you liable for the $105 for the exam visit, as shared with you on the phone most recently."

This claim will remain posted until resolved.

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Do you agree with the respondent’s Response?  (If you are a party to this claim, click here.)
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Important: All information contained herein is the opinion of the posting parties, who are solely responsible for its content. PeopleClaim offers both free and paid services to help consumers, patients, employee, tenants, and others resolve disputes without lawyers or courts, through negotiated online settlement and public disclosure of wrongdoing or unfair treatment.
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