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Claimant's opinion: Oral promise broken, accusations, character blemishing,
Please invite professionals who can offer solutions. I found a local, experienced professional mediator but Chris did not want to pay his part, which was $50. So many things to explain... For example, my dog had not been living in the apt since Sept of 2013. My dog was groomed once a month, at least, and was brushed every day. He had a lg pet mattress & never slept on the floor. I sold his bed, still in excellent shape & no smells, to a lady nearby.
"The unexpected leak was fixed in a timely manner. Therefore moving expenses shall not be paid. I, the landlord, had to help her move dozens of heavy boxes down stairs, into truck, unload at storage shanty. Two loads weighing over 2000 lbs. I refunded her whole cash security deposit of 100$ due to minimal cleaning she did. In the lease it states she did additional deep cleaning to offset the additional 200$ making up the total 300$ deposit figure. This deep cleaning was not performed. Here is a list of the items I had to deal with myself: -Remove duct tape from door knob-Clean door knob-Remove about 35 nails from walls, trim, woodwork, doors.-Fill nail holes-Clean 9 storm windows (5 hours)-Remove large screws sticking out of two newly painted bedroom windows (trim)(the bedroom windows and bedroom closet were painted immediately prior to Rizo moving in)-Scrape duct tape residue off of bedroom window trim.-Prime and repaint bedroom window trim-Remove and throw out dilapidated old shelves.-Shop vac out 9 window wells-Wash 9 window wells-Replace front door lock and deadbolt - $30 plus labor-Repair all other windows due to stains, nail holes, screw holes, assorted dilapidated curtains.-Deal with dog smell that is getting stronger.-Huge dust blobs on kitchen ceiling fan, bedroom fan was clean.-Remove ugly foam insulation from closet crack.-Remove giant spray foam bubbles from other closet baseboard crack.-vacuum with decent power vacuum-vacuum edges of carpet with shop vac-wash baseboards-wash kitchen ceiling fan-vacuum window wells-clean window glass-remove tape from curtain rods-remove cardboard from windows-paint damaged on window trim from tape-wash kitchen cabinets-wash oven face front-take trash to front-organize trash so that trash items are in the cans such that the garbage man will accept it-organize large pieces of cardboard, break down, create less chaos-throw out holey old curtains (mouse damage)-take down defamatory posters around town that Rizo's friend had put up-take down defamatory facebook posts from tenant's entourage-contact facebook homeshare group to get all these people banned for posting inappropriate remarks-explain to people that this was not an instance of elderly lady abuse but instead my Mom, the owner, is the one who decided the figure and who is also 10 years older than Rizo.-loss of rent to other tenants - Rizo took so long moving out, over a week longer than the expected date, that my perspective tenants had all found other places. Therefore a partial months rent was not returned.I sincerely enjoyed having this tenant and she always paid rent on time. Best wishes, Chris"
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"Later, if no positive response. I recommend that people get all promises in writing and do not take "friendliness" as a sign of cooperation."
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I am (not) alone, and I feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine...~ Goethe
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