Public Mediation

My Claim vs. Budget Rent-A-Car

K. R. vs. Budget Rent-A-Car (Headquarters)
Customer Service, 4500 S. 129Th East Ave., Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74169, United States
Amount Involved: $30.00
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
      (seeking public comment)
    • Claimant Seeks: 1 non-monetary items.
    • Claim #: 1230900
    • Amount Involved: 30.00
    • Filed On: Dec 12, 2015
    • Posted On: Dec 23, 2015
    • Complaint(s):
      • Rude or Unprofessional Behavior
      • Policy
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"I rented a car from Budget Rent - a - Car in Fredericksburg, Va, to drive on Sunday, Nov 29, 2015. I reserved the car on Saturday, November 28. They said to have it out, and back on the same day, would result in only one day rental. The two person staff said they did NOT have a drop box for a key. They merely left it that to have the car returned Sunday evening was all that necessary. They location was to open Monday, Nov 30 at 7:30 - 8 am. Nothing!! was said as to a "late" time or a resulting penalty.

I left the car in the lot Sunday evening, and went Monday, going on 1 pm to leave the key. We said our good-byes, and after walking out the door, I noticed on billing slip I was charged $83 + and I immediately returned to the store. The EXCUSE!!! was the key was not returned "when" it should have been, and I had to be billed a second day, they did not have the key. I reminded them they did not have a drop box, and the answer, it was my problem. Gas stations and ANY other business that functions with cars will have a drop box for after hours. I was given a number to call for the rip-off, 1-800-6212844. I phoned in my complaint, and the woman answering the phone re-iterated it was all my problem, and no, their firm does not require a drop key box. She was rather abrupt.

Do they PURPOSELY!!! not have a drop box, so they key can NOT be dropped off, so the have a FILTHY excuse to overcharge the public, even though the car was out and back
within the allowed time? Budget Rent a - Car is in your neighborhood; is this a procedure
you condone? To the public who is doing what they can to keep Budget in business? All
the while they are being sneaky about it, NOT upfront----as if they are actually

They said 10 days ago, they would take less than 7 days to resolve this. I have not heard from them, and there is no "return' in my debit account, as to an amount of money that is
rightfully mine. I would hope you understand my grievance as to SHADY practices, and
give them a prompting of money that is owed me. I had the car out and back, on - time.

Would it have been better to tape the key to a window, indicating where in the lot the car
was? Leave it inside the car, and increase the possibility of being stolen?? Something as
easy as having a slot in the door window, so the customer can return the key seems oh-
so-simple. They were upset enough to charge me another day...isn't it likely the consumer has his/her own priority on Monday morning, when their "return" time is said to be? Is everybody connected to their firm, supposed to dance to Budget's music?

I still expect a return on the charge, but that is the small part. A change in the policy, one that encourages the loyal customer to get the SHAFT, should not be hard for BBB to recommend.
Budget Car Number 69085391 Rental Agreement 638853493
Black Volkswagen Plate number PA JTW 0782
Any Questions 540-898-2264 Thank you for your help.
Kenneth C Reilly celll 571/521-9861
10121 Chesney Drive Spotsylvania, Va 22553"
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What Claimant Wants Hide
What By When How Much
1. Change of policy: Their policy, as stated, for charging time on people, after product returned. Dec 27, 2015 N/A
1. Refund: Refund on my debit account Dec 27, 2015 $30.00
2. Other – Copy claim to regulators Dec 27, 2015 $14.99
3. Other – Pay for claim posting cost Dec 27, 2015 $7.99
4. Other – Physical delivery charges Dec 27, 2015 $2.99
Cash total : $55.97
Non-cash: 1 items
  • 0
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Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Budget Rent-A-Car (Headquarters). This claim will remain posted until resolved
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Important: All information contained herein is the opinion of the posting parties, who are solely responsible for its content. PeopleClaim offers both free and paid services to help consumers, patients, employee, tenants, and others resolve disputes without lawyers or courts, through negotiated online settlement and public disclosure of wrongdoing or unfair treatment.
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*IMPORTANT: PeopleClaim is a public dispute resolution system, independent of the BBB, small claims court, or other dispute resolution services. PeopleClaim is not a law firm and does not provide legal services, opinions, or advice. PeopleClaim facilitates peer-to-peer negotiation and resolution and crowdsourced input on issues of fairness to help resolve complaints. Users should contact professional legal counsel on any matters of law or regulation regarding their claims. PeopleClaim does not review or evaluate the merits of claims submitted through its site, and users are solely responsible for all content filed in their claims.
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