Public Mediation

North American Community of Faith vs. U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services


North American Community of Faith vs. U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services
200 Independence Ave. SW HHH Building Suite 615 F, Washington, District Of Columbia, 20201-0007, United States
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
      (seeking public comment)
    • Claimant Seeks: 1 non-monetary items.
    • Claim #: 2290633
    • Amount Involved: N/A
    • Filed On: Aug 17, 2016
    • Posted On: Aug 28, 2016
    • Complaint(s):
      • Unjust or misguided public policy
      • Public health hazard
      • Environmental issue
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"The United States Food and Drug Administration, by approving the sale of unlabeled genetically engineered salmon without fully analyzing its potential risks, is disregarding consumers' right to know what is in their food, and endangering human health and the environment.
• As the taro plant is considered a relative to the indigenous Hawaiians, likewise the salmon is considered a relative to the indigenous cultures of North America, and intrinsic to their ancient and sacred customs. Therefore, to protect and preserve the cultural integrity of indigenous civilizations, salmon genes and their DNA must remain inviolable.
• Genetically engineered salmon was invented by combining two strands of DNA, constructed artificially from the DNA of the Chinook salmon and the eel-like species called an ocean pout. This technique is fundamentally different from traditional methods of selective breeding or hybridization that are performed within the natural reproductive context; and produces outcomes that could never occur in nature.
• By breaking down the protective barriers that exist to prevent the transfer of genes between species, genetic engineers have radically restructured the DNA of an entire species.
• Genetically engineered salmon could escape, which would produce unintended effects within each ecosystem to which it belongs.
• While genetically engineered salmon is presumed safe for consumption, it has not been tested for human safety. Therefore, consuming genetically engineered salmon could cause unpredictable and potentially adverse effects on human health."
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What Claimant Wants Hide
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1. Change of policy: All genetically engineered salmon must carry a printed label stating: “Genetically engineered salmon” before it is sold for human or animal consumption. Sep 05, 2017 N/A
Non-cash: 1 items
  • 0
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Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services. This claim will remain posted until resolved
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  • Contributed Solution: by Matt Muprhy On 10-14-2016
    No brainer- consumers have a right to know. No matter how they try to confuse or obfuscate the issue its pretty simple- altered food should be labelled- zero downside to consumers in labelling it and it should be a basic right to know. More...
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  • Contributed Solution: by Ken Roseboro On 10-14-2016
    I think the current "Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard" should be repealed and replaced with the Biotechnology Food Labeling and Uniformity Act (Senate Bill #2621) introduced by Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley. More...
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  • Comment: by Martin Donohoe Physician, Educator, Expert In Public Health
  • On: 10-02-2016
  • As a physician, educator, and one who has written about and spoken nationally at professional meetings about food safety issues, I have reviewed the data on GM salmon and concerned that the FDA has not adequately assessed the potential adverse environmental and human health consequences of GM salmon approval. I agree with the suggested change of policy to label GM salmon, so that consumers can know how their food is produced and make their own choices regarding what to consume.

    Details of my involvement in, and copies of my articles and slide shows on GM foods can be found on the Food Safety/Food Justice page of the Public Health and Social Justice website.

    Martin Donohoe, MD, FACP
    Adjunct Associate Professor,
    School of Community Health
    Portland State University
    Member, Social
    Justice Committee, Physicians for Social Responsibility
    Member, Board of
    Advisors, Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility
    Senior Physician,
    Internal Medicine, Kaiser Sunnyside Medical

  • 3
  • Contributed Solution: by Zen Honeycutt On 09-27-2016
    Consumers must know what they are eating to best care for their loved one's health and their own health. GMO salmon has not been proven safe and in fact is extremely worrisome, and must be not only labeled but prevented from entering the market place More...
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  • Contributed Solution: by Zen Honeycutt On 09-27-2016
    Consumers must know what they are eating to best care for their loved one's health and their own health. GMO salmon has not been proven safe and in fact is extremely worrisome, and must be not only labeled but prevented from entering the market place More...
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  • Comment: by Anne Dietrich (121 points) — Founder And Director Of Truth In Labeling Coalition
  • On: 08-30-2016
  • Labeling of genetically engineered food is a commonsense precautionary measure in the face of scientific uncertainty. Therefore, the outdated policy position the FDA took over 24 years ago should be revised. There is no scientific consensus on GMO safety; in fact, the American Medical Association adopted new policy in 2012 recommending the U.S. government require safety testing of of all GMO food before it is marketed: Furthermore, the unintended effects of genetic engineering documented in the scientific literature are not disputable:   Even so, proving that genetically engineered salmon is harmful is not necessary in order to require mandatory labeling before it is sold for human consumption. The U.S. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C) prohibits the misbranding of food articles, which includes if a label is "misleading." The FD&C defines misleading to include a failure to "reveal facts material" about a food product.  Whether their food is genetically engineered is clearly of material importance to American consumers: a New York Times poll conducted in 2013 found that 93% of Americans favor GMO labeling: 

  • 2
  • Contributed Solution: by Anne Dietrich On 08-29-2016
    Enactment of the Biotechnology Food Labeling and Uniformity Act (Senate Bill #2621) introduced by Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley, will require food manufacturers to label all genetically engineered food products.
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  • Contributed Solution: by Fran Fellowes On 08-29-2016
    I believe that not labelling GE salmon will damage the entire salmon industry. GE salmon should be labelled, but DHHS should also take responsibility for the potential health consequences More...
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  • Comment: by Dave Miller I Am An Organic Gardener.
  • On: 08-29-2016
  • There has to be a way to keep the GE salmon away from all waters where non-GE fish live and spawn.
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