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Mihir Patel vs. Tax Group Center

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Rip off by Tax Group Center

M. P. vs. Tax Group Center
5010 Parkway Calabasas Ste 110, Calabasas, California, 91302-3923, United States
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
      (seeking public comment)
    • Claimant Seeks: View.
    • Claim #: 1699149
    • Amount Involved: 30,000.00
    • Filed On: Nov 20, 2022
    • Posted On: Dec 01, 2022
    • Complaint(s):
      • Bad business practices
      • Problem with a service
      • Overcharge or billing error
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"Hi Nune,

I never agreed on $2605, I said it’s impossible to pay that money. In addition I asked what was my total taxes and what resolution did you come up with? And thirdly Jennifer lied on the charges and stated that I would end up paying less - you cannot make an assessment without knowing my my budget, total tax liability, & my bank statements - my liabilities, none of that was taken into account. Jennifer needs to be held accountable and sued for constant lying for the past 2 years and not showing me proof of Book keeping charges twice and scrupulous charges for resolution also twice which she stated that she would reduce it to 5-7K but that was also a lie!!!! in addition the taxes of IRS can only go as 10 years, you’ve put me into more trouble. We are going into 2023 … should only go far as 2012

In addition I had refunds from 2009-2012. Why would I owe money??? what kind of screw up did you guys do? I filed bankruptcy in Feb 2012 and I was in compliance w/ IRS & NJ and was getting a refund… how in the world did you screw up something so simple???

AND you’re telling “you’d get back to me for NJ resolution”

TAX GROUP CENTER IS FIRED!!! You did not do the job that was required you did not represent me and constantly lied and I still have a contract from customer service that I am owed $6K refund for bullshit book keeping that was never done nor shown Jennifer tells me - we are even? WHO TF says we are even… nope!!! Not over - will file a complaint straight to FTC and their affiliates to investigate into TGC

I will hire a new company to show that TGC has not done a great job and did not represent me. Then I will decide whether I should sue or open a huge complaint against Jennifer Shapiro and TGC of whomever represented me - the complaint will obviously go to BBB, FTC, and other agents not to refer your company as you will the screw a large case or a complicated one.


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Nov 16, 2022, at 1:47 PM, Nune Khatchatryan wrote:

Hi Mihir,
The 225 is a one time fee for establishing a payment plan.
Correct, in March we can reduce it.

Nune Khatchatryan
Enrolled Agent
Tax Group Center
3591 E 3rd Ave Suite 106
Post Falls, ID 83854
P 877.605.7635 ext.254
F 208.715.9543

From: Mihir Patel []
Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 2:02 PM
To: Nune Khatchatryan
Subject: Mihir Patel - Federal IRS payments of $2605 starting 11/28

Hi Nune

I received the packet from IRS - lot of mumbo jumbo - what’s the $225 for processing the payment plan thing about? I’m just gonna start $2605 a month - you said in March you’ll be able to lower it to $16-1800? Cuz that’s too much? I cannit afford $2606 and why is the IRS going back to 2009?image001.jpg



Please advise


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Sep 21, 2021, at 2:22 PM, Nune Khatchatryan wrote:

Received, thank you.
Mihir, please return the 433 A form with supporting documents that my assistant
Michael emailed to you in March.
I’ve attached it to this email as well.

We are also monitoring for 2015-2017 to get processed by the IRS.

Nune Khatchatryan
Enrolled Agent
Tax Group Center
3591 E 3rd Ave Suite 106
Post Falls, ID 83854
*please do not send anything requiring a signature, as there is no one consistently in the office P 877.605.7635 ext.254
F 818-965-7689

From: Mihir Patel (Mihir U There) []
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 9:48 AM
To: Mihir Patel
Cc: Nune Khatchatryan ; Dawnell Carpenter
Subject: IRS LETTERS + recall notices - Mihir Patel - 2018-2019 NJ Tax Group Center

Hi please confirm - I’m still getting letters from Pioneer collection I thought You took care of this?

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 9, 2021, at 12:19 PM, Mihir Patel wrote:

FYI - the original IRS letters


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mihir Patel
Date: July 9, 2021 at 9:07:01 PM EDT
To: Dawnell Carpenter
Cc: Ellena Krishtall , Kayla Lari
Subject: Re: Mihir Patel - 2018-2019 NJ Tax Group Center

How come you guys are not answering again - I just Got a bill from IRS for 2018-19-21 they are asking for over $14K

I thought You said their was a resolution sent and accepted - I need To see this paperwork so I can Send it to IRS

Somebody is lying here - it’s the IRS playing games or somewhere between November of 2020 and May 2021 the work wasn’t done

I paid You guys over 12K so I dont Receive these type of letters and collections

I will Call tomorrow and again on Monday

IRS is stating that if they don’t get the payment of $14K by 7/15 there will be over 50% interest charge - what kind of highway robbery is this?

Either you guys did the work or didn’t - this is making me nervous - in addition you never sent me the resolution that you filed nor if the IRS accepted - regardless that was your job - I have Been kept in the dark and I have Been lenient with your team -


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Jul 2, 2021, at 5:15 PM, Mihir Patel wrote:

Hi Dawnell

I received Two notices from state of NJ for late filings and interests for 2018-2019 - I thought This was taken care of - please respond ASAP


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Mar 29, 2021, at 7:43 PM, Mihir Patel wrote:

Hi Guys

I have Not received Mail from USPS - I thought I’d have it by now - I understand USPS is all screwed up. So it’s a waiting game - unless you email me the package via email to then I can Print and review and send back any discrepancies

Please advise


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Mar 16, 2021, at 7:46 PM, Mihir Patel wrote:

I asked Only for Partnership that started in June 2019 - I have Sent all the info - I’m claiming all for 2019-20 - all losses

This is ridiculous you’re asking me 3 months later - I made That clear - there is pay I took for 1099 and NO deductions were made - where is Sole - obviously the paper work and initial conversation was for Partnership - in the past I did 1099 but we’re short term contract work

I need That 1095 for my mortgage - Your company got paid - Looks like a lot of unnecessary noise - talking - paperwork but I have seen NOTHING concrete results

Once of your accountants or Tax Attorney was supposed to write to PIONEER and stop the collection - I got Another collection document

WHAT THE HELL is going on? You want your money - but I have Seen no work

Stop asking the same questions - get your stuff prepared - then ask at once by a SPOC - Single point of contact - not multiple ppl. Nothing is getting done other than the same repeat - you guys are Tax attorney and Accoubtants - get my 1095 or that health insurance for that missing year obviously I had Something or nothing - if I did Not have a job that year the 1095-B is missing not gonna pay for something I didn’t have - you guys are the expert - I paid you to fix this - not end up paying for fines and taxes and fees

We are not going to have this conversation again until I see Some results!!!

Let me see if I am The first customer to complain - this is not a good look on you nor your team - I’ve received so many calls in the past by different ppl


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Mar 16, 2021, at 5:13 PM, Dawnell Carpenter wrote:

After inquiring with the preparer she stated that there are a few things that need to be addressed:
1. Was the business return filed for the 2017- 2019 tax year? we are only contracted for the personal tax preparation and the preparer stated that on the 2019 tax Organizer you put that there was a partnership and LLC there are deductions for that 2019 year. so we are in need of clarification

2. On the 2018 there is 1099 misc income but there are no deductions made.

3. For both years the there is a name of business mentioned but no clarification

4. Are you a sole proprietor for these years?

I added both my manager and the preparer in on the email so we are all on the same page and she will know how to proceed with what she has or if we are in need of additional information
Thank you

From: Mihir Patel []
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 9:16 AM
To: Dawnell Carpenter
Subject: Re: Tax Group Center

Hi Dawnell,

Why am I still receiving collection from pioneer tax collection, why am I getting Calls from different accountants, you guys have been paid over 8K and this is the type of service I’m getting? I dont Understand this... You guys keep asking for the same info that has been mailed, faxed, emailed - I dont Understand why the bad organization - I also waiting on the Tax returns for the last two years that I would Need to provide for my home loan closing coming up in 2 weeks...

Why is this? I didnt Pay all this money for this debacle - I expected Waaaaaaaay better service than this - this is unacceptable

What is your resolution?


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Feb 24, 2021, at 1:06 PM, Mihir Patel wrote:

Sure separate the tax years thanks - I still Sent out another email


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Feb 24, 2021, at 12:58 PM, Dawnell Carpenter wrote:

So this is what I am going to do…. To prevent having to amend the 2017 if later you get the 1095 I am just going to separate the tax years and have your 2018 and 2019 in for a final review and request it be completed quick because of the home loan situation. The 2015-2017 and the 2020 for the LLC will still be needed and we will go from there.
Does this sound like it will work better? Having to amend the 17 return may be a hassle in and of itself so that is my suggestion please let me know your thoughts on still trying to gather the form 1095 for the 2017 tax year.
Thank you

From: Mihir Patel []
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 9:53 AM
To: Dawnell Carpenter
Subject: Re: Tax Group Center

Proceed without it - I will Contact you or IRS when the time comes - apparently it’s hard to Coquito such info - been calling and sent out several emails with no luck in response


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Feb 24, 2021, at 12:50 PM, Dawnell Carpenter wrote:

I have saved your email to your file although I am not fully understanding as to how you would like to proceed? are you still wanting to wait for the form or are you wanting to proceed without it?

From: Mihir Patel []
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 9:37 AM
To: Dawnell Carpenter
Subject: Re: Tax Group Center


I called NJhealthcare marketplace they stated they don’t have a record for it and Aetna stated it should have come from NJ marketplace - it’s funny they have records of 2016, 2017 and 2018 only. So I’m confused. I know I had It Aetna Medicaid for those 3 years kindly put the explanation in for 2017 it’s impossible to skip that year

That also includes resolution - I have One more payment - I should Be paid


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Feb 24, 2021, at 12:14 PM, Dawnell Carpenter wrote:

Ok not a problem
Thank you J

From: Mihir Patel []
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 9:09 AM
To: Dawnell Carpenter
Subject: Re: Tax Group Center

Hi please wait for the 2017 health form 1095 kindly


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Feb 24, 2021, at 12:07 PM, Dawnell Carpenter wrote:

So without the form 1095 for proof of health insurance for the 2017 tax year we can proceed but there may be a fee from the IRS for not showing it and we don’t want you to get charged for something that you had. So it is possible at your request to proceed without the form if you request us to but if youd rather wait for it to have that proof we will wit to proceed with the tax preparations of the 2015-2019 tax years. this being said and the form 1095 being the final thing we need if you would like I can have your file in for a final review with the request of a rush status but know that there may be a charge for not showing the proof.
Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
Once the returns are prepared the 2018 & 2019 will be e-filed and the 2015-2017 will be prepared and mailed to you for signature and for you to mail out to the state and IRS.
Thank you

From: Mihir Patel []
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 8:50 AM
To: Dawnell Carpenter
Subject: Re: Tax Group Center

I need Some kind of IRS prepped files for 2018-2020, I’m planning on buying a house and my closing is soon 🔜. Would it be possible to provide such documents?


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Feb 24, 2021, at 11:24 AM, Dawnell Carpenter wrote:

Yes the 2016 Tax Organizer is accounted for so once the 2017 1095 we will be able to proceed with the 2015-2019 tax preparations.
Please let me know if you have any further questions

From: Mihir Patel []
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 7:45 AM
To: Dawnell Carpenter
Subject: Re: Tax Group Center


Please refer to the last email - the only Document you need is the healthcare proof whom I called my Old Medicare health ins co; Aetna, to send me that proof


Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors due to using two thumbs 👍🏽👍🏼 to type...

Sent from my iPhone

Mihir Y P
Mobile - 914-646-3212

On Feb 23, 2021, at 9:45 AM, Dawnell Carpenter wrote:

RE: Tax Preparation Statement: 2nd Document Request Letter.
Client ID #: C-2020-514R

Dear Mifir

In order to accurately complete your Personal/Business Tax Return our offices need important financial information from you. You were previously mailed a Tax Organizer Worksheet that was to be filled out and returned to our offices for processing. We also requested the return of other documentation listed below. Please provide the following documents; they are mandatory for the completion of your applicable tax return(s).

1. 2016 Tax Organizer(s) Please N/A any areas that do not apply and send back all pages.

2. 2017- 1095 A, B and/or C: Proof of health insurance- If applicable

Please return the Tax Organizer(s) and the above applicable information to our offices within 15 DAYS from the date of this letter to avoid suspension on March 24, 2021. If you need additional time or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at (877) 605-7635.
Please be advised that we cannot resolve your tax liabilities with the IRS/State until you are in full compliance and current with your tax withholdings. Compliance means you must file all unfilled tax returns and current means you must have enough taxes withheld in the current year so you do not incur new liabilities at the end of the year.

*Please note you can email, or fax directly to me at 1-818-965-7188 or if you choose to mail your documents please do NOT require signature as we are all working remotely and our management staff will be in twice a week to scan and email us the documents that come via mail*


Tax Preparation Department

Dawnell Carpenter
Tax Preparation Specialist

3591 E 3rd Ave Suite 106
Post Falls ID 83854
P 877.605.7635 ext.329
F 818-965-7188
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What Claimant Wants Hide
1. Compensation: Overcharges on resolution and false bookkeeping Dec 09, 2022 $18,000.00
2. Recovery of Losses: Misinterpreting my tax resolution Dec 09, 2022 $12,000.00
Cash total : $30,000.00
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