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Mike Hyland Dba Affordable Legal Services Dispute

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J. J. vs. Mike Hyland Dba Affordable Legal Services
578 Sutton Way # 294, Grass Valley, California, 95945-5390, United States
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
      (seeking public comment)
    • Claimant Seeks: View.
    • Claim #: 9295898
    • Amount Involved: 466.50
    • Filed On: Apr 10, 2015
    • Posted On: Nov 17, 2017
    • Complaint(s):
      • Failure to disclose facts
      • Failure to honor promises
      • Contract / Agreement dispute
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"*** EXTREME WARNING -- Financial, Court Proceedings and Business Hazard!!!

This is an EXTREME WARNING BEACON to avoid any and all involvement with MIKE HYLAND, INC dba AFFORDABLE LEGAL SERVICES!!!

578 Sutton Way #294
Grass Valley, CA 95945

This is a highly predatory and beyond unprofessional companies I've come up against ALL FOR THE MONEY ONLY - NOT THE CODE OF CONDUCT OR ETHICAL SERVICE INDUSTRY THEY were finger printed or background check for before obtaining a license to victimize and criminally steal from as well!

This whole service request was requested on all paperwork as RUSH! Due to fast approaching deadline, instead what did they do. Mike and Amanda Long irresponsibly claimed that they mailed my Rush job "Proof of Service" instead of being mailed certified Overnight or Next Day Mail. . they decided to claim, alleged and mislead me into thinking they mailed it REGULAR MAIL and of course THEY have no control over that!! Oh, it gets better they of course had a CERTIFIED COPY OF PROOF OF SERVICE to SELL TO ME FOR THE PRICE OR $25.00, which they reduced the price because they know it's all a RUSE and a bad business practice of their to make more money off anyone that hires them for Process Serving and to up sell them a copy on a conveniently lost or more than possible NOT EVEN MAILED IN THE FIRST PLACE ORIGINAL.

This would not have been possible without the help of a close law breaking colleague of theirs in the same industry that not scratches but claws unsuspected clients backs off ILLEGALLY with NO REGARD to Due Process, his name is:

8931 Pershing Ave
Orangevale, CA 95662

These people should have there licenses revoked, because its simply a fraudulent money making scheme to MIKE HYLAND, INC dba AFFORDABLE LEGAL SERVICES & JEFF WILSON "Privet Eye"

JEFF WILSON completed an ILLEGAL and FRAUDULENT AFFIDAVIT claiming he served me through my door after alleging he had a conversation with me that never existed FAKE, simply to achieve a desperate Process Servicing because they were running out of time and had to met their deadline of serving me.

They completely circumvented the legal and justice system just to obtain a desperate judgment against me, to serve their self entitled criminal purposes.

As well as, made a mockery of and manipulated in perpetrating their customary criminal procedures upon me and who knows whom else, because they didn't wake up the day I attempted to do business with them and to hunt me down for over a year to victimize me - their too good at it and must have had years of practice screwing people over in business. . . they won't answer or take your calls, they block or disable their email addresses in their on going effort to stay steps ahead of criminal prosecution and what otherwise be normal small claims court proceedings.

They are professionals at what they do when it comes to robbing a client and that their Gross Misconduct is calculating in covering illegal acts of recovering unearned funds.

**I am a Disabled person on a fixed income and they did NOT do their jobs and instead of admitting that they would rather steal the food and life essentials from anyone and everyone. There is no compassion, professionalism just absolutely nothing redeeming or honorable to hold on to in any situation or involvement with this company and colleagues. Just ILLEGAL BRUT FORCE!!!

This company exhibits nothing more than immoral, unethical boiler room business tactics.

This company contracted with what would have to be a known affiliate to NEVER serve me LAWFULLY - they were more then content with rewriting and breaking all the laws in an extremely DRASTIC & PATHETIC ways just to get me into court any and all dirty methods they saw fit.

Not only since I know they did NOT LAWFULLY service me, I was not compelled legally to show up at court YET with their lies coupled with the criminally fraudulent Affidavit and Falsely constructed Statements by #1FRAUD:

8931 Pershing Ave
Orangevale, CA 95662

I am looking into their issuing and regulating departments since they have manipulated the Courts and waited time out to the point that I have NO APPEALING ABILITY OF THE COURTS FALSE DECISION.

Who's watching and regulating their thug minded criminal codes of conduct, where in the hell are the checks and balances with any of these SO CALLED PROFESSIONALS. Courts don't help once been constructed and manipulated beyond a certain point . . . a very SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS - that's why it would be beyond wise and doing yourself a favor -- When you see these names and businesses PASS IT BY!!! or you'll be their next victim in court without the chance to explain or defend yourself.

Remember these falsified reports from these licensed twits are accepted in the courts as the full gospel etched in stone. . . SCARY AS HELL!!

These people are absolutely "impressive" and "highly effect" legally licensed business CROOKS!!

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Additional Communication Between Claimant and Mike Hyland Dba Affordable Legal Services Hide
  • Nov 06, 2017, Claiming party added:
  • With Mike Hyland choosing the filing a Small Claims inaccurately, purposefully and unlawfully in the the wrong and incorrect County. Legally it should have filed in Sacramento County, for reasons; this is were I reside; and where I signed and entered into contract with him; Subsequently, I than cancelled payment and contract ALL in Sacramento County; Mike Hyland then filed Small Claims in Nevada County, his home town in Grass Valley, CA. Very crooked and symbolic of his true character and reference to his reputation.

  • Nov 06, 2017, Claiming party added:
  • Message from John Johnson: Mike Hyland's failure to accurately complete Process Serving he was hired for. I hired him on the agreement ALL aspects to be a Rush, to meet my court date. Only to fraudulently engage in "selling" me a CERTIFIED COPY at the very last minute. One day before my court date was set at; then knowingly and willingly not mailing and/or purposefully losing the original. To SCAM, EXTORT and RAPE me with additional fees, costs, and court. I was simply to receive the "original" Proof of Service document by RUSH Mail. Having said that and what were the terms and agreements. In which, was encapsulated in the originally agreed and understood Contracts, Prices & Fees."Process Serving" and "Proof of Service".

    With Mike Hyland choosing the filing a Small Claims inaccurately, purposefully and unlawfully in the the wrong and incorrect County. Legally it should have filed in Sacramento County, for reasons; this is were I reside; and where I signed and entered into contract with him; Subsequently, I than cancelled payment and contract ALL in Sacramento County; Mike Hyland then filed Small Claims in Nevada County, his home town in Grass Valley, CA. Very crooked and symbolic of his true character and reference to his reputation.

    Change in Offer - Cash settlement

    What By when How much
    1. Illegal activities of Process Serving- Mike Hyland Dba Affordable Legal Services Dec 25 2017 $169.50
    2. Illegal activities of Process Serving- JEFF WILSON; contracting w/3rd Party; these unlawful actions coherced me, forcably being required to communte costs, certifed mail correspondenc, additional court appeals, motions filings fees to Nevada County, Grass Valley, CA: all fees, related costs being assessed to Mike Hyland Inc. Dec 25 2017 $224.00
    3. Damages sustained by reason of failure to comply with CCP § 116.850; resulting in penalies $50; deadline was June 2016; Three demand letter all ignored, my postage cost, collection costs incurred being assessed to Mike Hyland Inc. Dec 25 2017 $73.00

    Principal amount: $466.50

  • Nov 25, 2017, Claiming party added:

  • Just a few of my extra attempts to lawfully inform and compel long overdue court filing. Having, 14 days of last payment received. He will owe me around $50 for the penalty and his entire motivations NEVER to file anything with the court, thus appearing NOT SATISFIED.

    With, DEMAND FOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SATISFACTION OF JUDGEMENT, being sent over 3 times. Good luck, with the person believing himself exempt from anything conducted lawfully, and above it all.

    I know, and I obviously object his self-assessment. I welcome input mainly on forcing and compel the issue of court filing intented bring it all to more well rounded reality he will at all costs avoid. Early awaiting brilliant ideas. Because, he doesnt give a thought to his G.. Bad Name, always more people to swindle.

What Claimant Wants Hide
Message from Claimant: Mike Hyland's failure to accurately complete Process Serving he was hired for. I hired him on the agreement ALL aspects to be a Rush, to meet my court date. Only to fraudulently engage in "selling" me a CERTIFIED COPY at the very last minute. One day before my court date was set at; then knowingly and willingly not mailing and/or purposefully losing the original. To SCAM, EXTORT and RAPE me with additional fees, costs, and court. I was simply to receive the "original" Proof of Service document by RUSH Mail. Having said that and what were the terms and agreements. In which, was encapsulated in the originally agreed and understood Contracts, Prices & Fees."Process Serving" and "Proof of Service".

With Mike Hyland choosing the filing a Small Claims inaccurately, purposefully and unlawfully in the the wrong and incorrect County. Legally it should have filed in Sacramento County, for reasons; this is were I reside; and where I signed and entered into contract with him; Subsequently, I than cancelled payment and contract ALL in Sacramento County; Mike Hyland then filed Small Claims in Nevada County, his home town in Grass Valley, CA. Very crooked and symbolic of his true character and reference to his reputation.
1. Illegal activities of Process Serving- Mike Hyland Dba Affordable Legal Services Dec 25, 2017 $169.50
2. Illegal activities of Process Serving- JEFF WILSON; contracting w/3rd Party; these unlawful actions coherced me, forcably being required to communte costs, certifed mail correspondenc, additional court appeals, motions filings fees to Nevada County, Grass Valley, CA: all fees, related costs being assessed to Mike Hyland Inc. Dec 25, 2017 $224.00
3. Damages sustained by reason of failure to comply with CCP § 116.850; resulting in penalies $50; deadline was June 2016; Three demand letter all ignored, my postage cost, collection costs incurred being assessed to Mike Hyland Inc. Dec 25, 2017 $73.00
Cash total : $466.50
  • 1
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Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Mike Hyland Dba Affordable Legal Services. This claim will remain posted until resolved
Offer History
Apr 10, 2015
Claimant's Terms of Settlement to Mike Hyland Dba Affordable Legal Services
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