Complaint History & Business Rating for Geico Insurance - Headquarters

One GEICO Plaza, Washington, District Of Columbia, 20076, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Darryl S.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:05-Dec-2018
Darryl S. says: Had a car pull out in front of me, I was going 55mph, he was going 25. I slowed to keep from hitting him. He then slamed on his brakes, rolled down his window threw a drink on my hood and slamed on his brakes again and I hit him. I called the police, they wrote no tickets, the officer said he could not determine fault. I called geico and reported the accident. A few day later I Received a call from an adjuster, she said i was at fault. I said that I wanted a supervisor, that i do not agree, i was in the left lane and passing. Then reminded the lady that ok passed a law that the left lanes are for passing only. I reminded her of my speed and his actions after he pulled in front of me. She said a supervisor would call the next day. Its been a month and a half and no call. Today finally a call from another adjustor who was rude and wants to pay the claim plus medical. I said no again and told him i had asked for a supervisor, he got rude again and said he would go over my statement and call later.
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  • Commented By:Michael L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:14-Jun-2018
Michael L. says: My vehicle was never owned by geico there adjuster i had words with because he was a total jerk broke my ignition key off in the ignition when I got it back and he cut my seat belts out and said GM told him to GM says it totally untrue they would never do that we will be contacting this was in Feb it's still not paid yet he vandalized my car I was in total shock when I picked it up UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
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  • Commented By:Jalisa M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:23-Feb-2018
Jalisa M. says: My neighbor hit my car while it was parked on December 12, 2017 and I took my car in to Caliber Collision in Rock hill which was assigned to me by geico on December 13, 2017. The adjuster Michelle Thomas who worked for geico but in this shop said that there was a possibility that the paint could come back a different color which was weird because I've never heard of anything like that. They called me at 3 P.M. On December 15th and said my car would be ready at 5:30. I thought that was a little sketchy because it would be dark at that time and if there were any issues I wouldn't be able to notice and I was right. I saw that the paint was off the next day but the shop was closed. I called first thing Monday morning and was instructed to bring it in the following day so they could take a look. Another adjuster who also worked for geico and also in this shop took a look at my car and said that she noticed the difference in color and they would correct it and then begged me not to do the survey or review. They put me in another rental and kept my car for three days but when I picked it up a male who is also an adjuster for geico and in this shop said that they didn't see anything wrong with it, what was the point in keeping my car then. I called geico again and asked to speak to a supervisor about my claim and Gewan Ramsarran came out to my home to take a look at the car. He did everything he could to point the finger elsewhere instead of listening to my concern but had the nerve to say that the people in the shop had poor customer service. He also said that it's a three step paint job so that could be why it's off and then said that the metal on the car is going to be a different color than the plastic on the car, he said everything he could except for you're right it's off we will fix it. My car was struck by a dear a few years ago and it came back to me as if there was nothing ever wrong with it, the paint was perfect. I pointed out where the car paint was off where Caliber painted it and he said that it was off on the other side too but that side has never been touched. Instead of him saying we will fix it and get the paint to match he said the best thing that I can do is get an attorney. The warranty on the paint job that they swear you have if there are any issues is a lie and now I'm driving around with a two toned car. I am now considering leaving geico and I will be contacting the attorney general's office like Gewan Ramsarran suggested. This has been nothing but a headache since December 2017.
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  • Commented By:Monique B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:02-Apr-2017
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  • Commented By:Catherine O.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:16-Dec-2016
Catherine O. says: they do not give any value to their customers, from customer services, all they way to corporate. I have been with them for almost 10 years and never once did i have to have them pay a claim - and they repay me with nothing. I would not recommend them to anyone, they are the worst
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Geico Insurance - Headquarters’s Complaint History (7):

7 claims are currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    A.S. vs. Geico Insurance - Headquarters

    • Bad business practices
    • Contract / Agreement dispute
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Failure to disclose facts
    Claimant says:My college student daughter was in a car accident back in 2019 that was not her fault but was accidentally reported to the dmv and CLUE report that it was her fault. My premiums spiked and when I asked why Amica who was my insurer never told me so I switched to Geico. For 31 months I paid premiums not knowing my daughter was considered at fault for...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Geico Insurance - Headquarters Dispute

    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Failure to honor promises
    • Problem with a service
    Claimant says:I was in an accident 7/31/2029 and geico failed to act in good faith and treat my total loss for both vehicles in an acceptable manner. My truck was financed and geico took ownership of it on 8/03/2020. The adjuster provided an unreasonably small settlement amount once he learned I had guaranteed auto protection through Toyota. I thought the matter...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Catherine Opliger vs. Geico Insurance (Headquarters)

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    Claimant says:I have been with, Geico Insurance for over 10 yrs and have always paid my premiums on time and had at times more then one vehicle covered with them and every time i have put in or tried to put in a claim with them and have never had a claim paid. 1st claim was when my truck was stolen out from under me, by someone who forged my name and had it sign...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Disgusted customer vs. Geico Insurance (Headquarters)

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • "This feels like a scam to me."
    • Bad business practices
    • Contract / Agreement dispute
    Claimant says:I was insured threw geico for 3 years. On my moms policy which she has had for 10 years. She has never called in a claim. I had to cancel insurance in september dye to my car being repossesed. I paid full civerage for a month when i didnt eve have the car in my possession. I called following month to cancel. They kept notifying my mom that if i did...

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