Public Negotiation

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Abused travelers vs. United, American, Delta, Virgin, Emirates, Southwest, Blue Air, and other airlines

Opening StatementProvided by: David H., Plaintiff

We're seeking money damages and policy changes on behalf of airline passengers who have been unnecessarily inconvenienced, abused, or have otherwise been treated unfairly by airlines and/or airports internationally.

We're inviting passengers to join this action who have experienced any of the situations described in the Issues below.

United and other airlines

If you're a named party in this case you're invited to add an opening statement.

In the absence of a statement from named party(s), PeopleClaim may assign an advocate to provide an opening statement and represent their interests.

Plaintiffs seeking
Money damages and policy changes on behalf of airline passengers who have been unnecessarily inconvenienced, abused, or have otherwise been treated unfairly by airlines and/or airports internationally.
Who can join?
  • Anyone who has experienced rude, abusive, or unfair treatment by any airline or airport and who has not already been compensated fairly.
  • Must be able to show proof of travel or other involvement with airline or airport and describe problem in enough detail to be recognized and addressed by the other party.

This Trial's Core Issues
1. Fare gouging
  • 1 Question
To the airline industry, what some call "fare gouging" tends to be regarded as pricing that responds naturally to supply and demand. To consumer advocates and some lawmakers, opportunistic spikes in air carriers' ticket prices take advantage and violate consumer rights.
2. Poor customer support/information when flights delayed, cancelled, or missed
3. Rude behavior by airline or airport personnel
4. Refused boarding
5. Bumped from flight without reasonable compensation
  • 1 Question
  • 3 Resolutions
All airlines overbook flights to avoid flying with empty seats. Trimming excess passengers before flights depart is expected. Practices for both voluntary and involuntary removal of booked passengers have evolved through airline policies, and rules established by the U.S. Department of Transportatio
6. Inconsistent carryon policies and enforcement
  • 1 Comment
7. Failure to control unruly, abusive, or disruptive passengers
8. Lost or damaged baggage
  • 1 Comment
6 claimants have joined this case.

Total Recovery Sought : $9,047.88

Co-plaintiffs' claims
American Airlines
  • Amount Involved: $ 5,027.97
  • Claim type: "I Just Feel Ripped Off." & 3 more.
  • Posted on: 12/06/2016
In April 2016, someone stole 140,000 miles from my American Advantage frequent flyer (AAFF) account (N8U8312). Unaware that my AAFF account was compromised, the focus was on my American Advantage Master Card, since fraudulent charges appeared. Please note that these fraudulent charges were for fli....
China Southern Airlines Company Limited
  • Amount Involved: $ 707.99
  • Claim type: Commercial / Other Dispute & 2 more.
  • Posted on: 11/18/2016
Philippine Airlines
  • Amount Involved: $ 67.97
  • Claim type: Bad Business Practices & 3 more.
  • Posted on: 12/29/2016
I was supposed to fly from Cebu to Los Angeles on December 10, 2016 on PR 153 at 6:25PM however my flight got delayed TWICE then CANCELLED. First it got delayed to 8PM then when 8PM came, got delayed again to 10PM. Close to 10PM, we were told that the flight got cancelled. Unfortunately, I did not e....
Spirit Airlines, Inc
  • Amount Involved: $ 2,782.99
  • Claim type: Bad Business Practices & 2 more.
  • Posted on: 03/28/2017
I purchased airline tickets with Spirit airlines in philadelphie pa. round trip tickets.
I was just robbed of 555.00 . they sent me to use kiosk machine, it printed me a form saying an error accord , and I needed to see an agent at desk. I waited in line approx. 15 minutes while 8-10 employees stoo....
  • Amount Involved: $ 432.99
  • Claim type: "I Just Feel Ripped Off." & 4 more.
  • Posted on: 10/07/2016
I purchased two airline tickets from Spirit Airlines for a trip that was to leave on Sep. 14th to the 17th. I checked the box that said trip cancellation insurance for $19.00. I was under the impression that I paid $38.00 for the insurance for both round trip tickets. I later had to cancel, and t....
United Airlines, Inc.
  • Amount Involved: $ 27.97
  • Claim type: "I Just Feel Ripped Off." & 3 more.
  • Posted on: 10/24/2016
United Airlines failed to credit my frequent flier miles from Houston Texas to Sydney Australia round trip because the customer service said my name was to long and did not fit the space in their computer. So United Airlines will not credit my frequent flyer miles. My name on my passport is JAQUELIN....
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Jessica L.On: 7 years ago
Without additional feedback, is everyone comfortable with me drafting a resolution for two issues to generate feedback prior to submitting a resolution?
Jessica L.On: 8 years ago
Ed, I like your approach of tackling one issue at a time. With the input below, does anyone have additional comments or questions on issue 5? If so, please try to update this by Friday. If not, then I am happy to put together an initial "resolution" from our panel, and share it for comments and edits before we suggest it publically.

We can follow this approach for each of the issues perhaps at a quicker pace.
Jessica L.On: 8 years ago
I spoke with a former airline pilot (retired after 20 years with a major carrier). He indicated the following:

Airlines are for profit companies, and thus operate for-profit. This seems obvious, but people forget that airlines, while government regulated, have a bottom line motivation.

The industry has changed as a result of greater competition from low-fare airlines. These low-fare airlines put pressure on airlines to reduce ticket prices, but regular airlines still offer greater service and accommodation, thus, instead of paying one higher fee, the fee per service model has evolved to allow bigger airlines to compete with low-fare airlines.

Planes have limited weight capacity and space. At one time luggage was virtually unlimited, but people were brining "moving trucks" worth of luggage. As such, limitations were put in place. The fees for checking a bag exist because of the aforementioned competition factor, and customers do not like to lose custody of their bags because they do not like the risk of it not reaching the destination with them. So, carry on bags are preferred, but again, people often carry on bigger bags or amounts then the plane can manage.

As for bumping or refusing to allow a passenger to board, again this system evolved to assist with keeping prices low. By ensuring the plane is full, the airline is able to balance meeting their bottom line and keeping prices low. The means by which the airline decides to bump people is to some extent regulated by the government. And, the airlines do offer compensation for delaying a flight, which is often above the cost of the flight they initially purchased. While this does occur, it occurs relatively infrequently. It is currently in the news because of specific cases that have hit social media--social media creates an environment where people want to complain and play victim. As an example, the most notable incident with the doctor, the doctor had a history of suing people seeking money.
Jessica L.On: 8 years ago
Does anyone know a person that works with airlines? I think it would be helpful to understand more about the internal operations. I am going to reach out to a retired airline pilot, but if anyone has a network to some on in the executive end of an airline, I think it would help our resolution dialogue and resolution.
Ed V.On: 8 years ago
Good idea.
Ed V.On: 8 years ago
Ehsan, is the upvote mechanism working for you? I can't get it to take my vote.
Ed V.On: 8 years ago
I see the moderator has put in three resolutions to consider, and Mark has asked a question. Let's do some voting, add a comment, etc., reply to something, then maybe discuss some aspect of this issue.
Ed V.On: 8 years ago
Let's start with Issue 5 (overbooking and being bumped from flights) and see how this goes. Jury goals are to bring out important issues, participate in the discussion of issues along with members of public, vote on suggested resolutions, suggest our own resolutions, if appropriate, and ultimately communicate a resolution recommendation to the Respondent party(s).
Ehsan S.On: 8 years ago
Sure, I'm on it.
PeopleClaim is a pre-litigation negotiation platform that allows parties to combine claims against counterparties in order to negotiate group or individual settlements that avoid litigation, increase recovery amounts, and settle cases more constructively. The process does not requre a lawyer or legal representation and does not carry the force of law. Read more...
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