Complaint History & Business Rating for Kanderian Enterprises Inc. - Astoria VR Virtual Reality Headsets

1773 Westborough Dr. # 120, Katy, Texas, 77449-3295, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F
  • Officer(s): Kevin Sanders

What Kanderian Enterprises Inc. - Astoria VR Virtual Reality Headsets customers think NEW

Claims vs Kanderian Enterprises Inc. - Astoria VR Virtual Reality Headsets (5):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Lisa C.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:20-Jun-2017
Lisa C. says: After purchasing 3 headsets and 3 remotes for $179.00 I tried to return them and they would not send me a return address, respond to my emails or phone messages. They offered 10% back on the price of the product on my first of many emails but never responded again. I finally got my bank involved but the company dragged its feet so Visa would not cover the purchase after 6 months. I finally got my bank involved and they got me an address to return the product. I was returned an signed for on May 1st and still no refund. I am out $179 and don't have the merchandise. I would NEVER recommend a company that does business like this to anyone.
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  • Commented By:Christoper B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:14-May-2017
Christoper B. says: They are the worst!! Don't ever buy from this company!! The only way I got a refund was through my credit card company. You cannot personally talk with anybody at this company and any emails go ignored!! The worst!!!
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  • Commented By:Laurie F.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:11-May-2017
Laurie F. says: I placed an order in January and in April had still not received it. I made multiple phone calls and emails but still nothing. In April I was told they would send the order immediately or issue me a refund. I requested a refund but have still not received it. I did not want to take a risk in getting the merchandise and it not being satisfactory. Now it appears unlikely that they will issue my refund as they previously stated. Please don't make the mistake of purchasing anything from this company because it will only result in no product and never getting your money back.
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  • Commented By:Cathy O.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:03-May-2017
Cathy O. says: Due to the lack of customer service the extreme lack of communication. Not only do the have over $200.00 of my money they also have the complete product returned to they per there instructions. Lets review. they have over $200.00 of my money for months along with the full product= THEFT AND FRAUD...
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Message from the PeopleClaim Administration: “NB - ALL STILL-UNRESOLVED PUBLICLY POSTED CLAIMS RE-MAILED TO THIS COMPANY ON MAY 26.2017 Previous address per site Kanderian Enterprises Inc. - Astoria VR Virtual Reality Headsets Kevin Sanders 1806 Loma St Santa Barbara, California, 93103-1824”

Kanderian Enterprises Inc. - Astoria VR Virtual Reality Headsets’s Complaint History (5):

5 claims are currently posted for public review and comment :

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