Complaint History & Business Rating for Magwood Construction

10428 GA Hwy 15, Soperton, Georgia, 30457-5666, United States.

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Claims vs Magwood Construction (1):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Tricia L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:18-May-2018
Tricia L. says: Jeff Magwood was referred by General Steel as a preferred contractor to construct our building. He repeatedly asked for draws on his contract. My husband gave him several thousand dollars to get started and to have the site prepared. He didn’t show up after the second week and we discovered he was in jail. Apparently he has a substance abuse problem. Additionally, when we hired a new contractor to finish the job, he had to take out what littl Jeff Magwood had done because it was wrong. We had to start over completely. We wish we had never met Jeff Magwood. He belongs in prison and I hope he’s under the jail now.
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  • Commented By:Tricia L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:11-Sep-2017
Tricia L. says: In 2013, Magwood Construction was recommended by General Steel to build our new out building. Jeff Magwood did not perform the work he was contracted to do. Jeff repeatedly asked for money and all he ever did was clear a part of the land and pour footings to put the building on. He then had strangers coming to our property that apparently were selling him drugs. After that Jeff never showed up to work again. I did an Internet search and discovered he was in jail for reckless driving and drugs. At that point we had another contractor come out and were told what little work that had been done was done incorrectly and had to be ripped out and completely redone. It seems that General Steel was recommending someone that they never properly vetted. We lost many thousands of dollars in this venture and General Steel obviously never had any intention of taking care of their mistake. Will not recommend the contractor or General Steel. So disappointed...
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Magwood Construction’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Mark Magwood-Dispute-#1929471

    • Commercial / Other dispute
    Claimant says:I purchased a building from General Steel Buildings. At my request General Steel recommended a "preferred contractor" (from Georgia) for my building project in WV. I live in North Carolina. The "preferred" contractor (Magwood Construction) insisted on multiple deposits totaling to $14,750. "Jeff" Magwood requested that all payments be wired. Th...

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