Public Negotiation

PeopleClaim public mediations with co-plaintiffs are similar to class actions except they're resolved with the help of our community of conflict resolution professionals.

Public mediations with co-plaintiffs may be resolved globally — one offer to all parties — or individually via party-to-party negotiation with each separate claim.

While the goal is to help you find the shortest distance between a problem and its resolution, unresolved public mediations may be referred for formal legal represenatation and class action.

Community-negotiated settlement
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit23

Opening StatementProvided by: Stephen P., Advocate for plaintiff

estibulum nec arcu sollicitudin,
aliquam lectus sit amet, ullamcorper lorem. Sed bibendum sapien ac
pretium luctus. Nunc euismod nunc ex, eget fermentum felis interdum
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aliquam lectus sit amet, ullamcorper lorem. Sed bibendum sapien ac
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id.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi
malesuada urna urna,

Opening Statement Provided by: mukesh h., Assigned Advocate

nd material information withheld, by the company through its CEO Elizabeth Holmes and other spokespeople, and through promotional and investor communications. Because of this they believe they are entind material information withheld, by the company through its CEO Elizabeth Holmes and other spokespeople, and through promotional and investor communications. Because of this they believe they are enti

Plaintiff seeking

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id.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi
malesuada urna urna,
estibulum nec arcu sollicitudin, 212r
aliquam lectus sit amet, ullamcorper lorem.  kmlk

Who can join?

Because of this they believe they are entind material information withheld, by the company through its CEO Elizabeth Holmes and other spokespeople, and through promotional and investor communication

This Trial's Core Issues
1. Benefits of an online trial
  • 3 Questions
  • 2 Resolutions
  • Decide whether to divide your trial into separate Issues. Complex cases can be broken into more than one issue to be considered. Use the control to organize your case in two or more issues. If you use this option, prov
2. test trial issue 2
  • 4 Questions
  • 1 Resolution
Arizona's Attorney General issues RFP disclosing intent to sue Theranos for violating the Arizona Consumer Fraud Act.Arizona's Attorney General issues RFP disclosing intent to sue Theranos for violating the Arizona Consumer Fraud Act.
3. dsf dsf sdf sdf sdfwef ef f
4. 12sdfs sdfsdf
Sort by:
    • [-][+]My resolution
    • 8 years ago
    Mukesh G. (Resolution panel member)
    ssxsxssx Mu GM
      • [-][+]My resolution
      • 8 years ago
      Vishant P. (Advocate for Plaintiff)
        • [-][+]My resolution
        • 8 years ago
        Mukesh H. (Plaintiff-unverified)
          • [-][+]My resolution
          • 8 years ago
          Mukesh G. (Resolution panel member)
          it's jury

          sd asdfasf
          afasf asf asfas asbfskaf lbasflb asbfbaslfbasf lasf sa
            • [-][+]My resolution
            • 8 years ago
            Mukesh G. (Resolution panel member)
            it's jury

            sd asdfasf
            afasf asf asfas asbfskaf lbasflb asbfbaslfbasf lasf sa
              • [-][+]My resolution
              • 8 years ago
              Mukesh G. (Resolution panel member)
              asf as asfasfasfasf fasfasf
                • [-][+]My resolution
                • 8 years ago
                Mukesh H. (Plaintiff-unverified)
                dsafmam lamsf amsmfasmfamsf masmfamsf
                  • [-][+]My resolution
                  • 8 years ago
                  Mukesh H. (Plaintiff-unverified)
                  sdfsf;amf aslfmalsmfla mfasmflam flamfl malsmflamf
                    • [-][+]My resolution
                    • 8 years ago
                    Mukesh H. (Plaintiff-unverified)
                    df asdfasfasfa
                      • [-][+]My resolution
                      • 8 years ago
                      Vishant P. (Advocate for Plaintiff)
                      dcdcdc jdjdnncjcdnjdc
                        • [-][+]My resolution
                        • 8 years ago
                        Vishant P. (Advocate for Plaintiff)
                        dkcmkdmcmdkmkcmdmkcm mdkcmkdc
                          • [-][+]My resolution
                          • 8 years ago
                          Mukesh H. (Plaintiff-unverified)
                          sdf sdfsd sdfsd
                            • [-][+]My resolution
                            • 8 years ago
                            Mukesh H. (Plaintiff-unverified)
                            sdf dsfdsf sdfsd f
                              • [-][+]My resolution
                              • 8 years ago
                              Vishant P. (Advocate for Plaintiff)
                                • [-][+]My resolution
                                • 8 years ago
                                Mukesh H. (Plaintiff-unverified)
                                sdf sdfsdf sdf
                                  • [-][+]My resolution
                                  • 8 years ago
                                  Mukesh H. (Plaintiff-unverified)
                                  df sdf sdf
                                    • [-][+]My resolution
                                    • 8 years ago
                                    Mukesh H. (Plaintiff-unverified)
                                    d fs fg223243
                                      • [-][+]My resolution
                                      • 8 years ago
                                      Mukesh H. (Plaintiff-unverified)
                                      d gdsgsdgsdg
                                        • [-][+]My resolution
                                        • 8 years ago
                                        Mukesh H. (Plaintiff-unverified)
                                        df sgd


                                        February 21, 2017

                                        test 1

                                        February 20, 2017


                                        February 08, 2017


                                        February 02, 2017

                                        wqqw eqw e qweqwqw eqweqweqweqweqwe

                                        February 02, 2017

                                        sd fasf asf asfasfaf aaaaaaaa fasf asf

                                        January 31, 2017

                                        wsd qwsdqwdqw dqd

                                        January 20, 2017

                                        hfgh jvvjvv

                                        December 26, 2016

                                        wdeqw ed qwq edqw qw eqw qw w asdasdas asd asdasd asd asd asdasd 22

                                        November 28, 2016

                                        wqdewq edqw eqw eqwe

                                        November 26, 2016

                                        qweqw e qwe qw

                                        November 08, 2016

                                        wqeq wqwqwe qw

                                        November 03, 2016

                                        qwe qwe qw eqwe

                                        November 02, 2016

                                        qwe qweqw1221 21

                                        September 21, 2016

                                        fd hfd hdfhdfh df dfhdf hdfh

                                        Resolution Panel for this Case

                                        Panel Discussion

                                        2000 characters remaining.
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        sd sdfsdfsdf sdf sd
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        sd sd sdf sdfsd
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        Theranos for violating the Arizona Consumer Fraud Act.Arizona's
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        Attorney General issues RFP disclosing intent to sue Theranos fo Attorney General issues RFP disclosing intent to sue Theranos fo
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        Attorney General issues RFP disclosing intent to sue Theranos fo
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        This is a new topic for consideratiion but not a new "discussion"; I'm wondering where it will display in the thread.
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        nd material information withheld, by the company through its CEO Elizabeth Holmes and other spokespeople, and through promotional and investor communications. Because of this they believe they are entind material information withheld, by the company through its CEO Elizabet
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        df gdfg dfgdf
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        Not sure I follow this statement. Did you mean "gdfg"? Isn't the point more like "fgdf"? Please explain.
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        sa asdasd
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        asfafas saf
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        sdf sdfsdfsdf sdfsdfsdfsd fsdf sdfsdf
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        Cool Cool Cool
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        That's a better thing you know. Lorem ipsum sounds cool.
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        But is it as cool as "sdf sdfsdfsdf"? Not possible, in my opinion.
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        pretium luctus. Nunc euismod nunc ex, eget fermentum felis interdum id.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi
                                        malesuada urna urna,estibulum nec arcu sollicitudin,aliquam lectus sit amet, ullamcorper lorem. Spretium luctus. Nunc euismod nunc ex, eget fermentum felis interdumid.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi
                                        malesuada urna urna,estibulum nec arcu sollicitudin,aliquam lectus sit amet, ullamcorper lorem. Spretium luctus. Nunc euismod nunc ex, eget fermentum felis interdum
                                        id.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbimalesuada urna urna,estibulum nec arcu sollicitudin,aliquam lectus sit amet, ullamcorper lorem. S
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        This is Greek to me. Can you please speak Spanish?
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        tetts hgvsh shhs shshs sh
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        nd material information withheld, by the company through its CEO Elizabeth Holmes and other spokespeople, and through promotional and investor communications. Because of this they believe they are entind material information withheld, by the company through its CEO Elizabet
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        Etiam eget mauris nisl. Nullam ac purus ultricies, finibus nibh in, lacinia sapien. Etiam bibendum quam non augue cursus, nec pharetra libero ornare. Etiam ex lorem, auctor eu augue at,Etiam eget mauris nisl. Nullam ac purus ultricies, finibus nibh in, lacinia sapien. Etiam bibendum quam non augue cursus, nec pharetra libero ornare. Etiam ex lorem, auctor eu augue at,E
                                        Mukesh G.On: 8 years ago
                                        pretium luctus. Nunc euismod nunc ex, eget fermentum felis interdum
                                        id.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi
                                        malesuada urna urna,estibulum nec arcu sollicitudin,
                                        aliquam lectus sit amet, ullamcorper lorem. S
                                        PeopleClaim is a pre-litigation negotiation platform that allows parties to combine claims against counterparties in order to negotiate group or individual settlements that avoid litigation, increase recovery amounts, and settle cases more constructively. The process does not requre a lawyer or legal representation and does not carry the force of law. Read more...
                                        How public mediation works

                                        Lead plaintiff opens case

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                                        • Recover damages
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                                        © reserved by PeopleClaim

                                        Important: PeopleClaim is a public dispute resolution system providing claim filing and online "trials" to settle party-to-party disputes and engage discussion in matters of public interest or controversy. PeopleClaim is not a court of law, and decisions arrived at through PeopleClaim trials do not legally bind disputing parties unless by mutual agreement. Terms such as "court," "trial," "verdict," "plaintiff," "respondent," "advocate," "neutral," "argument," "rebuttal," and other words borrowed from law are not used in their technical legal sense and should not be interpreted as such. The goal of PeopleClaim Online Trials is to increase public participation in dispute resolution and public policy by airing, debating, and seeking resolutions to matters of public interest as well as commercial disputes.

                                        Parties participating in PeopleClaim trials have the option to resolve their disputes through mutual consent, under terms proposed by other trial participants such as "advocates," "neutrals," and others. PeopleClaim does not enforce any such agreements or promise any outcome to trials hosted on its site. PeopleClaim is not responsible for content posted in either public trials or in party-to-party claims registered at All trial content, including case summaries, rebuttals, suggested resolutions, and comments, are solely the responsibility of the posting parties.PeopleClaim does not review or evaluate the merits of opinions posted on its site by trial participants or others.

                                        PeopleClaim is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice or legal services.