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Henderson vs Select Home Warranty

Opening StatementProvided by: Steve H., Plaintiff
I had a Home Warranty for probably 10 years with a company called Cross Country. Never had a problem in all those years. Probably filed at least 10 claims. Again, no problems. Their deductible went up quite a bit, so I dropped them within the past year and went with Select Home Warranty (SHW). The reviews on the internet said they were the second best warranty out there, and the deductible was half of what Cross Country was going to charge. What a mistake....I paid monthly for quite a few months and then had a problem with our dishwasher. I filed a claim on 6/12/17. Thats right, June 12 2017. Today is 10/20/17, October 20 2017. Over 4 months and I still have a bad, leaking dishwasher! It took a few weeks before they had #1 Appliance come out to our house. He told us the dishwasher was shot and unrepairable. My wife thought the deductible was $75, so that is what she paid him (Mr West). He sent this diagnosis into SHW. It took weeks and weeks of me calling and getting a different SHW agent every time to find out what was happening. Mr West at first was helpful. He told me he recommended a $500 replacement cost to SHW. SHW hemmed and hawed and kept telling me they need to talk with Mr. West to find out how he came up with this diagnosis. Well #1 Appliance and Mr West just stopped answering the phone for weeks. I was livid. After a month or so, SHW told me they would send out another contractor. I told them I would not pay a 2nd deductible. SHW said I would not have to. They sent out JUD contractors. He came, looked at the dishwasher, and he too said it was shot and unrepairable. He left without me paying a deductible. A half hour latter, he calls me back and says SHW will not proceed until I pay the deductible!! Unbelievable. After fighting with SHW for another week, they tell me to pay the $60 and then to file for a reimbursement afterwards.  The guy comes out, I pay him (with a check) $60. We (SHW and myself) never hear from this guy again. He also stopped answering calls.  Two contractors, $135 in deductibles paid, two skipped contractors. I now am fighting with SHW to just fix my darn dishwasher or pay me to replace it. After 3 months and 3 weeks, they tell me this week that they will give me $125. I said "What!!" They said my dishwasher was a 2002 model and that with depreciation, it was worth $125. I told them the pamphlet for SHW says "We will repair or replace your unit" I can't buy a dishwasher for $125 that is the same as what I had, no way. I also told them there was no way the dishwasher was a 2002. We bought the house in 2005 and I replaced the dishwasher in 2008 or so!! Early this week (month #4) after I received a call from a claims woman from SHW informing me again that SHW would give me only $125, I told her to send it to me and then I was going to cancel. She then told me if I want the $125 I had to keep the policy open until I provide proof that I BOUGHT A DISHWASHER!! Is this for real? Really? This my opening statement...Thank you 
Select Home Warranty

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Plaintiff seeking

$75 back from deductible

$500 for a dishwasher

$400 for the over 40 hours of time I have spent on the phone with this company for 4 months

Who can join?

Anyone who has or has had a warranty with Select Home Warranty

Select Home Warranty workers

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    • [-][+]My resolution
    • 5 years ago
    Ronald F. (Neutral)
    The Claimant should review the terms of the warranty agreement of the company to determine if it mentions depreciation. If not, and the warranty only states “will repair or replace appliance” as claimant has mentioned in his opening statement, and the policy allows for payment of full replacement value, then the warranty should be honored and the second deductible should be refunded. Claimant could research a type and model that would be considered reasonable (not the highest end model in the store or catalog) and present that information to the company. The company may opt to purchase the proposed dishwasher and/or provide a reimbursement as outlined in the warranty. It is reasonable for the company to expect that the reimbursement would go towards the purchase of a new dishwasher and that Claimant would provide evidence of such. This protects the companies interests while satisfying Claimant’s claim. Unless the warranty specifies other damages, and the company honors the contract, there would be no relief for time spent on phone with the company.
      • [-][+]My resolution
      • 7 years ago
      Helena C. (Neutral)
      SHW should replace the unit with a current model and offer a new warranty and cover the cost of the deductible.
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      PeopleClaim is a pre-litigation negotiation platform that allows parties to combine claims against counterparties in order to negotiate group or individual settlements that avoid litigation, increase recovery amounts, and settle cases more constructively. The process does not requre a lawyer or legal representation and does not carry the force of law. Read more...
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