Complaint History & Business Rating for TD Ameritrade (Headquarters)

200 South 108th Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska, 68154, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F

What TD Ameritrade (Headquarters) customers think NEW

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Lilysky L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:01-Oct-2020
Lilysky L. says: violations. ridicule. humiliation. threat followed by punishments , retaliation, misinformation, manipulation, denial of service, forced sell off

Fearing more retaliation, fearing for public safety we sacrificed our well being and continued to report and requested internal investigation since actions have escalated far beyond giving reasonable doubt.

I advise public to stay quiet and silently transfer out if you want to reduce risks - ironic

TDA MAIN, TOS WEB, MOBILE, EMAIL, AND TOS, should be watched at all times because alerts and responses bounce from one another while claiming having done due diligence. I have never experienced such extensive series of shaming. Usually guilty parties refuse to answer and ghost victims but here they will maintain public presence. If resolution is a fictitious word in their culture,we reluctantly may feel obligated to undergo further damage in hopes to ensure public safety.

We shared personal crazy stories that are crazy but all true. None were exaggerated and we are compelled to do what is right. At any moment 180 approach and resolution would all have been received as having a resolution process but if such option is non existent like an unbeatable last level of a video game... Business practice must quickly stop especially if this is sign of jumping ship.

God bless. Stay Safe.`
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  • Commented By:Yigong W.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:19-Oct-2015
Yigong W. says: No response to complaint. Software full of traps without warnings. They told me to learn from my own mistakes which is all my investment of 20K in one trade.
Respond. Click here if you're authorized to respond to TD Ameritrade (Headquarters) customer comments or edit information on this profile.
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TD Ameritrade (Headquarters)’s Complaint History (2):

2 claims are currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    LILYSKY LOSANGELES vs. Td Ameritrade (Headquarters)

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Overcharge or billing error
    Claimant says:TDameritrade glitches were so disastrous that I was given hours, days, weeks of inaccurate futures quotes. they were not even delayed. It was total chaos. When I closed my positions sometimes it would show as closed but later I would see a short position or positon never been closed and actually realizing tremendous loss. ALl happened continuousl...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    My Claim vs. Tdameritrade Dispute

    • Bad business practices
    Claimant says:They failed to disclose material facts concerning an investment. They did not accurately present the risks of investing in Options of NDX options and technical or analytical information, caused a loss of 18K in one transaction in one day. They failed to use reasonable diligence to see that a customer's order is executed at the best possible price...

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