Complaint History & Business Rating for Pahlisch Homes Inc

63088 NE 18Th St. Ste 100, Bend, Oregon, 97701, United States.

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  • Commented By:Sydney G.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:02-Jul-2021
Sydney G. says: Complete disappointment! In hopes what happened to us doesn’t happen to anyone else. We have built with Pahlisch before and my parents built a select home a couple years ago and this by far was the WORST experience with this company that we have had. We had recently signed contract at the end of January for a home to be built in Prineville. We had been told we needed to pick the 1st and 2nd options ASAP and pay for upgrades, then were told that those phases passed a few days later and immediately had to run to pay them because our sales rep got the dates wrong. We were told to upfront pay for the other upgrades so that we didn’t miss a cutoff date again, so we gladly went to pay those within the next few days. Unfortunately within a couple weeks we had messaged our sales rep and told her that my husbands job was not working out in Oregon and we would be unable to get funded for the home as we were moving out of state in March and we can’t fund for two homes with the VA even if we wanted to sell or rent it out after closing. She responded with “that’s not gonna fly, he can get a different job here”. The response was completely unprofessional. We then were told that we can’t get anything refunded because all the materials for that home were already picked and ordered and they can’t make any changes to it at this point (which when we left, the home was barely sticked up with no roof or anything at all, also none of our upgrades were structural!) We have family in that area who drove by the other day and NOT ONE item we picked was put into that home! Every single item had gone back to the standard spec and we were completely lied to. We sadly pretty much donated $27,000 to this company. Honestly it’s just beyond me that a company could rip that out of the hands of a young family of a wounded veteran or really out of anyones hands with the excuse of not being able to switch options when they switched everything we paid for! I am just disgusted that not only was the money ripped from us at those early stages but the home is now selling for $500k when it was only $434k for us! I understand the market but hello double dipping and using worlds cheapest options in that home when we paid for others. It’s just really disturbing and just sad, I could never recommend anyone to this company after this and would highly recommend a different one or if you do use them, dont pay for ANY upgrade until the exact cut off date. The mistreatment and lying is just unacceptable. It’s really a bummer to see a previously great company that we have worked with before do things like this to their customers. We had wrote the company two emails in hopes of some kind of response but it’s been almost a month with no reply, so this unfortunately draining event is clearly a great example of the company reputation.
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  • Commented By:Rob B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:15-Sep-2018
Rob B. says: Pahlisch refused to honor their warranty. I was forced to file a complaint with the Construction Contractors Board in attempts to get my warranty work completed. Pahlisch homes then defaulted on the CCB contract. They are a horrible company that lies constantly.
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  • Commented By:J D.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:10-May-2016
J D. says: Great to deal with until you have signed the deal for the house. The all the verbal promises are forgotten. For example, I was told we would be contacted prior to electrical so we could spec the locations. Nope, when we pointed it out we were told this would delay the build and that we would be charged a fee.

After we moved in getting them to fix anything I'd impossible. 18 months with the same unresolved issues that were shown to them before we moved in.

I love the home, but if we were to do it again we'd go with someone else. Not happy with their customer service and warranty department.
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