Complaint History & Business Rating for Eastwood Homes Llc

2857 Westport Road, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28208-3647 , United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Ethan R.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:07-Jan-2022
Ethan R. says: Similar to other feedback posted here, the builders workmanship is sub par at best. The builder also refuses to properly fix or investigate warranty claims made on brand new homes.

Save yourself a lot of time and money, go with a different builder.
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  • Commented By:Emily G.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:21-Jul-2020
Emily G. says: I paid $365,000 for my newly constructed Eastwood home in the Briargate Community. Not long after moving in I noticed the kitchen granite counter top was cracked around the stove. I immediately contacted the build who continued to blow me off for months. I finally sought out the warranty department and they told me I’d have to pay to repair the counter tops myself. Once they sell you the house they don’t care at all!!
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  • Commented By:William W.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:24-May-2019
William W. says: Subject: Eastwood Homes Mislead us when putting a deposit down on a house

My daughter and I were mislead by salesperson, Whitney Stiles at Eastwood. We signed a contingency agreement to by an Eastwood Home, with the assurance that Whitney told us that we would probably get our whole deposit of $3,000 back. This was a spec home that was almost finished, we only made one change, the color of the carpet. We had 60 days to sell our existing home, but could not. Our Realtor was with us when we signed the contract, and heard the assurances that Eastwood wants happy customers and would probably give our whole deposit back, if we could not sell our house in time. They were very sympathetic at the time.

I live with my daughter, who has two children, and is getting a divorce. I stepped in to help get my daughter into this house, with my retirement money. I am 73 years old.

When we tried to get the deposit back, they only returned half of the $3,000 deposit. They turned very negative and seemed not to care. Whitney's sales manager is Brian DeGabriel, who never returned my emails, and only responded negatively through Whitney.

William Wagoner and Lauren Gardner
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  • Commented By:Marshall A.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:09-Mar-2019
Marshall A. says: My home you can hear everything outside this supposed to be a tight built structure the VP himself stated I hear noise from outside because of windows that itself should be a sign to the builder. I went into other Eastwood homes heard no noise. Craftsmanship the problem the representative my wife and I dealt with was horrible. The water bill highest bill in my home no one can explain. One year walkthrough never got it poor poor poor business
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  • Commented By:Marla E.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:21-Nov-2017
Marla E. says: This is my 5th new home in my 40 years of marriage. This house cost double what the others did and is the worst of the 5. Workmanship is horrible and getting Eastwood to fix anything is just not going to happen. The garage is not even large enough for 2 cars. The 1 year warranty on structure should have been a huge red flag. Normally it is 5-10 years. I have lived in this house for 3 years. It now has cracks going up the wall from the door frames, and also have cracks in the siding. But of course no warranty so I am on my own to fix their poor workmanship.
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Eastwood Homes Llc’s Complaint History (2):

2 claims are currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Eastwood Homes Llc Dispute

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Contract / Agreement dispute
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Failure to honor promises
    Claimant says:My daughter and I were led to believe that we would get our deposit back if we could not sell our existing home in 60 days. We were approved for a mortgage, but could not sell our house. The Eastwood house in Briargate in Mooresville,we were trying to buy was a spec house and was almost done when were were led to believe by salesperson, Whitney St...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Eastwood Homes Dispute

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Problem with a product
    Claimant says:To Whom It May Concern: We are exhausting every avenue in strong hopes of finding a resolution to the insurmountable issues we continue to face as a result of purchasing a home from Charlotte-based builder, Eastwood Homes. We have listed in bullet point form the major issues we are currently facing. We have then elaborated in detail on each issu...

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