Complaint History & Business Rating for Booker Park North, Community Management, Dhic

P.O. Box 25168, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 27114, United States.

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What Booker Park North, Community Management, Dhic customers think NEW

Claims vs Booker Park North, Community Management, Dhic (1):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Mariama A.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:20-Nov-2020
Mariama A. says: Booker Park North, Community Management, and dhic are not communities that have a consistent enforcement procedures in place to implement their "smokefree" policy. Smokers are placed directly/near nonsmokers with disabilities or sensitivity to smoke. This leads to violations of the warranty of habitability and failure to provide quiet enjoyment while being a tenant. My experience is that these entities will give a verbal acknowledgement of giving a tenant warnings for smoking; but this is only if the entities actually see for themselves the person smoking; the use of the latest technology to validate whether a person is smoking or not is not implemented. Thus a tenant can suffer from the toxic chemicals if another resident's smoking between early morning hours. There is a disclaimer in the lease that reads as follows: "...Landlord cannot and does not warranty or promise that the rental premises or common areas will be free from secondhand smoke. Landlord does not assume any higher duty of care to enforce this policy than any other landlord obligation under the Lease and House Rules."
My experience, if you do not wish to inhale second hand smoke or have your lungs destroyed, do not move any where Community Management is providing services. Also,look at their ratings.
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Booker Park North, Community Management, Dhic’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Just Want to Breathe vs. Booker Park North, Community Management, Dhic

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Failure to disclose facts
    Claimant says:From July 16, 2019, I have inhaled second hand cigarette smoke either from the parking lot and from the apartment under me. Booker Park North initially did not acknowledge my reports of this second hand smoke as well as Community Management and DHIC. Many months went by before I received my first email from you acknowledging receipt of my correspon...

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