Ana Sambold
San Diego, California
Lawyer, Mediator And Arbitrator. Dispute Resolution Specialist.

"Need help resolving a problem?

Invite Ana to help you.

Online Mediation Scorecard

  • Solutions contributed: 0
  • Total Resolution Points: 100
  • Likes - by one party: 0
  • Likes - by both parties: 0
About Ana

Successfully conducted hundreds of mediations of litigated and non-litigated disputes involving business, commercial, real estate, insurance, and family matters.

Knows about
  • Automotive

    Acted as a neutral in cases involving quality of automotive services.

  • Construction and contracting

    Acted as a neutral in cases involving construction defects and contracting.

  • Defamation / free speech

    Acted as a neutral in cases involving defamation/free speech.

  • Divorce / family law

    Acted as a neutral in cases involving family disputes.

My professional experience
National Conflict Resolution Center (NCRC) (2011 To Present)
ADR Panelist and Trainer
My education
USD (San Diego, CA)

Ana Sambold has a total of 100 PeopleClaim points. Contributions:

Claims: 0 recognition points
Trials: 0 recognition points