Ram Patil
Cambridge UK
I've worked as a mediator in the UK and India. I love to resolve "unresolvable" cases
Consumer Advocate, Public mediator/negotiator

"Need help resolving a problem?

Invite Ram to help you.

Online Mediation Scorecard

  • Solutions contributed: 0
  • Total Resolution Points: 187
  • Likes - by one party: 0
  • Likes - by both parties: 0
About Ram

Knows about
  • Construction and contracting

    Dispute mediation for both commercial and residential

  • Legal professions

    Trained mediator. I've helped mediate over 40 cases in India and the UK

  • Real estate

    I've helped mediate several real estate cases for home owners.

My professional experience
Ram Consulting Group (2010 To Present)
My education

Ram Patil has a total of 187 PeopleClaim points. Contributions:

Claims: 0 recognition points
Trials: 87 recognition points