Complaint History & Business Rating for UAB Medical West

995 9th Ave SW, 145063, Bessemer, Alabama, 35022, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Zachary M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:22-Jul-2017
Zachary M. says: Nurse Pauline on the 3rd floor night shift was very unprofessional and rude when it came to my fiance and her needs after having a major surgical procedure she had four holes in her stomach and with Staples and she was in pain and that nurse had no sympathy what so ever for her she really needs to find a new profession
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  • Commented By:Kristin C.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:25-Feb-2017
Kristin C. says: I dont know what medical school teaches anymore but pregnant women should get more respect than getting made to feel like they dont matter we get sick just like everybody else as in we know we are pregnant but that's does not mean ignore us not help us an just focus on baby just BC we are pregnant so instead of taking us lightly as in we are in pain DO SOMETHING STOP TELLING US THE FUNK ABOUT OUR BABIES AN HELP US BE ABLE TO CARRY THE WHIT INSTEAD OF BREAKING US DOWN TO PIECE OF WHIT AN TELL US BABY GOOD BUT WE ARE HALF WAY DEAD TOO IN TO PAIN OR CAN'T TAKE IT NO MORE MEET US HALF WAY INSTEAD OF BRUSHING US OFF BC EVERYONE IS SO UNEDUCATED ON PREGNANCY THAT THEY ARE AFRAID. TO HELP THE PARENT BC IT MIGHT HURT BABY WELL DOC IF WE DUCKING DIE OR STOP DUCKING CARING ABOUT OUR BODY GUESS WHAT BABY IS GOING TO DIE BC THE LIVE INCUBATOR THAT YOU DOCS TREAT US LIKE IS FALLING APART A NEXT MOVE RESEARCH HOW YOU CAN HELP BOTH PARENT AN BABY AN STOP JUST FOCUSING ALL ON MIGHT HURT BABY CAN'T HELP YOU YOU GOT TO DEAL BC IF I DONT TRY TO KEEP MYSELF CALM MOAT OF YOU ALL WOULD BE SMACKED AN STOP LETTING WOMEN THAT NEVER BEEN PREGNANT TRY TO TELL YOU HOW IT IS! They dont ducking know just going by damn book! So once again we as the parent holding the baby should have more right an say so rather than shrugged off! Making free money every doc visit to come back in same condition just to know your baby heart beat was fin duck it this is how women get postpartum so really check into this know once again might shrugged off an be like that's selfish of her well it is selfish of Yall an baby to not care about the parent holding baby selfish as hell
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  • Commented By:Kristin C.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:25-Feb-2017
Kristin C. says: I dont know what medical school teaches anymore but pregnant women should get more respect than getting made to feel like they dont matter we get sick just like everybody else as in we know we are pregnant but that's does not mean ignore us not help us an just focus on baby just BC we are pregnant so instead of taking us lightly as in we are in pain DO SOMETHING STOP TELLING US THE FUNK ABOUT OUR BABIES AN HELP US BE ABLE TO CARRY THE WHIT INSTEAD OF BREAKING US DOWN TO PIECE OF WHIT AN TELL US BABY GOOD BUT WE ARE HALF WAY DEAD TOO IN TO PAIN OR CAN'T TAKE IT NO MORE MEET US HALF WAY INSTEAD OF BRUSHING US OFF BC EVERYONE IS SO UNEDUCATED ON PREGNANCY THAT THEY ARE AFRAID. TO HELP THE PARENT BC IT MIGHT HURT BABY WELL DOC IF WE DUCKING DIE OR STOP DUCKING CARING ABOUT OUR BODY GUESS WHAT BABY IS GOING TO DIE BC THE LIVE INCUBATOR THAT YOU DOCS TREAT US LIKE IS FALLING APART A NEXT MOVE RESEARCH HOW YOU CAN HELP BOTH PARENT AN BABY AN STOP JUST FOCUSING ALL ON MIGHT HURT BABY CAN'T HELP YOU YOU GOT TO DEAL BC IF I DONT TRY TO KEEP MYSELF CALM MOAT OF YOU ALL WOULD BE SMACKED AN STOP LETTING WOMEN THAT NEVER BEEN PREGNANT TRY TO TELL YOU HOW IT IS! They dont ducking know just going by damn book! So once again we as the parent holding the baby should have more right an say so rather than shrugged off! Making free money every doc visit to come back in same condition just to know your baby heart beat was fin duck it this is how women get postpartum so really check into this know once again might shrugged off an be like that's selfish of her well it is selfish of Yall an baby to not care about the parent holding baby selfish as hell
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  • Commented By:John A.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:05-Aug-2016
John A. says: Nurse in ICU named Carolina very rude and unprofessional complained the whole day about what other nurses didn't do but she in the meantime was to busy complaining to care for my dying loved one.. Very sad find another job if you are unhappy don't complain.
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  • Commented By:John A.
  • Recommended:N/A
  • On:05-Aug-2016
John A. says: Carolina RN in ICU needs a new profession.. Complained all during my dying loved ones last hours about what the other nurses didn't do all while my loved one was dying.. Very unprofessional and rude.. She needs another job nursing she seemed to think she was better than all other nurses and complained and never bothered to realize the pain my loved one was in or the family.. Please for the love of humanity
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