Complaint History & Business Rating for Stephen Chernick

Stephen Chernick
3526 Daniel Cres, Baldwin, New York, 11510-5152, United States.

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Scale: A+ to F

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Michael K.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:13-Mar-2017
Michael K. says: Stephen Chernicks Staff consists of one of the most evil people i have ever met,her name is Victoria Dibiase. She has been Abusing,neglecting and Stealing her own Grandfathers Life Savings While keeping him locked in his home like a prisoner.Victoria Dibiase was supposed to be caring for Francis Dibiase in exchange for free room and board for her and her 2 children,but she has stolen his entire life savings,Victoria Dibiase has not takin Francis Dibiase to a doctor or given him his prescribed Meds in almost 2 years.Francis Dibiase is a WW11 Navy Veteran,He is 93 years old and does not have a dime to his name because Victoria Dibiase has stolen over $250,000,00 from Francis Dibiase.I have pictures of what Victoria Dibiase has done to this man.Victoria Dibiase is SATAN and definetly should not be in the medical field,She belongs in PRiSON.These are the type of people that STEPHEN CHERNICK EMPLOYS. Thank you for reading my post if i where you go see another podiatrist unless you would like to meet SATAN VICTORIA DIBIASE. posted by MIKE KINANE
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Stephen Chernick’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    My Claim vs. Stephen Chernick

    • Failure to protect intellectual property or other rights
    • Public nuisance
    • Public safety issue
    Claimant says:DR CHERNICK works side by side with the most despicable person we have ever met her name is Victoria Dibiase for the past 2 years Victoria Dibiase has been abusing ,neglecting and threatening her own Grandfather Francis Dibiase not only has she stolen his entire life savings in excess of $250,000 Victoria Dibiase was supposed to be taking care of F...

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