Complaint History & Business Rating for Scripps Health

4275 Campus Point Ct, 523521, San Diego, California, 92121, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Catie P.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:31-Dec-2019
Catie P. says: Threats of non treatment. Last week was the 2nd time Scripps radiology threatened to withhold service if I or a family member, when in my presence, did not want to agree for Scripps to share personal health information with all other medical facilities even though their form provided this option and it is a HIPAA consumer/patient right. The first time, Encinitas Hospital radiology building area - basement, we wrote a letter and they said they will train better and apologized. This is almost a year later. After informing the admin at the Scripps Rancho Bernardo, of what the form he provided stated, and his supervisor came out and crossed out the paragraph, I signed and was provided the radiology service. However, as I exited the radiology room, barely dressed, a different female, stating she is the manager and the male admin were standing in between me and the dressing room, blocking me from the change room. After I moved through them stating this was inappropriate, got dressed and exited the change room, the manager was seated outside the door waiting for me, right in the open, wanting to talk to me and started telling me I had to sign. I listened, and upon seeing she wanted me to sign stating I would release my information and trust a different form would be attached and that 2nd form would ensure my privacy I finally got up and left. And this was all after a supervisor at the front check-in crossed out the paragraph about sharing information, and I gladly signed that form. As this is the second time the threat of “no service unless you sign to share information” at yet another Scripps facility, and seeing a 3rd situation 18 months ago where personal information was shared without consent, I am writing to inform others to be aware of using Scripps. Don’t let them Bully you to sharing personal information with any facility they want. I had identity theft and the belief is it stemmed from a process such as this in healthcare. What a tragedy it is to be concerned about your health, go for a test and be bullied, blocked while barely dressed and harassed.

Understand your rights. Don’t blindly sign documents. Bring an advocate, especially at Scripps.
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