Complaint History & Business Rating for Riverside Resort Hotel/Casino

1650 S Casino Dr, 312905, Laughlin, Nevada, 89029, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Donna L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:19-Nov-2015
Donna L. says: I am writing this to you to vent my frustrations about the recent trip we had scheduled to Laughlin out of Lewiston, Idaho. We had planned for this, took time off from work for it, and moved holiday events and dinners around for it. This trip was supposed to leave on Sunday, Nov. 22, 2015 and return on Thursday, Nov. 26th.

The problem started when we received a phone call from your company 4 days before the trip telling us that because they did not fill the plane up, that they were changing the outbound trip to Nov 26th (Thanksgiving Day) and returning a day sooner on Sunday, Nov. 29th. We had a choice of booking this revised timing or delaying it to another yet-to-be-scheduled day (which we could not be told when that might be). This delayed trip (open ticket) would apparently be honored for a year but I would “not be charged the $50 for cancelling the trip”. This did not go well with me.

The thought of you even thinking about charging us for a change in our tickets for something that was completely your company’s doing has raised the hair on the back of my neck. We were not offered any compensation for the inconvenience nor any refund. When I asked for it, all they kept saying was that it was not refundable and I only had 2 choices: (1) go out on the revised date or (2) get a voucher for future travel (an open ticket) which they consented to waive the customary fee(s) for. Serioiusly???

I could understand this if we had changed our plans and would understand the fees associated with our change, but we did not -- you changed the plans. This, in turn, cost us time off from work and major changes in our week’s planned time.

This trip has now cost me more in changed plans, lost work, and major disappointments than we paid for it and I hope you plan on revising your policies because at present I can not recommend your trips to anybody. I am sure if we did this to you, you would charge us for every thing you could get away with. Based on our previous trip, and watching your video about the founder who built this hotel on customer satisfaction, it appears that some place over the years you lost that idea.
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