Complaint History & Business Rating for Perry Automotive

57941 State Road 19, Elkhart, Indiana, 46517, United States.

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  • Commented By:Margo H.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:01-Sep-2021
Margo H. says: Perry Automotive Inc has screwed up. After having them repair several different things over the couple of years that we’ve had our Nissan Murano they have finally failed us. About four months ago we had some leaks that we wanted to be fixed I asked him to take it to Perry where I trusted them to do the work correctly. They gave us an estimate on the leaks they found there were five they got in there to do the work replaced our power steering pump replaced a couple you know seals/gaskets. We paid the bill about $700. I was driving my truck not a week later and I'm on the phone to them and it squeals when I was turning. I was like what was that. They told me to bring it by and they would check. It was low on Power steering fluid. That’s when they told us that we needed a new rack and Pinion for $1700. We decided that’s just something that’s gonna have to wait for a minute. It kept leaking and we couldn’t figure out why it was getting so bad when it wasn’t leaking before we had the pump replaced. Thinking it’s the rack and Pinion all the time we get into Quality Muffler and Brake shop in Osceola. Tony looked at it and you could see the power steering pump fluid coming out from around the pump, not the rack and Pinion. So we call Perry‘s we take it back they check it and said they saw nothing wrong with anything they did. So that, of course, made us mad because they also accused my BF of messing with the vehicle which he did not do. He pointed out why would he mess with it when we paid them to fix it and it’s guaranteed through them. I mean makes sense right?!

Anyways me BF got mad enough that they didn’t fix it. He just knew it was something they did. They said didn’t see what was wrong even though he looked with Tony. So he finally decided he was done with Perry and he was going to have Tony fix it whatever was wrong with it. He was done being screwed around by Perry Automotive. It literally cost is only $20 to have him connect a hose that they forgot to connect to some pipe that ran the power steering fluid through the pump and threw my vehicle. Can you freaking believe that?
Anyways after I found out that it was something so stupid and Perry’s wasted my time and was getting rude with us already. I called and talked to Jeff today and as soon as I started pointing out that they should back up their work and that they overlooked us he asked me what they should do rudely. I told him they should be responsible for their work and that they should pay attention to what they’re doing because it took them two times to miss it the first time and they actually fixed the pump and should’ve just been a given to put this on and the second time for overlooking it because they didn’t wanna admit they might’ve done something wrong. And then accuse Brent of messing with it. He was so defensive. He was #guiltyascharged
He said the day I came and got my truck where they didn’t see the leak that I was rude I was angry because they accuse my boyfriend of doing something and I couldn’t understand why they were backing up their work when we paid so much. We don’t even know if our power steering pump actually needed to be replaced or if they missed that leak and didn’t put the hose on the pipe problem solved $500 saved. And they had the nerve to accuse Quality Muffler of being a crappy place to go.
When I called Jeff out on some things he did not like it I told him I was going to go and give them a bad review if they didn’t admit to the wrong he didn’t like that I told him I should’ve recorded our conversation because he was accusing me of being rude and he just didn’t give a hoot that they screwed up.
I asked my BF to take my truck to Perry Automotive because I trusted them. They let us down and were jerks about it. I cannot and will not recommend them in good conscience anymore.
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