Complaint History & Business Rating for Naples Singles

3301 Bonita Beach Rd Ste 207, Bonita Springs, Florida, 34134-7835, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Scott S.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:25-Aug-2017
Scott S. says: I am not in the habit of writing these kinds of things but after thinking about this for awhile I decided to go ahead. When I think about this organization I am reminded of the Latin term, "Caveat Emptor" which translates... "Let the buyer beware". I was initially contacted by these folks after mistakenly filling out what I thought was information on "Plenty of Fish". A man sounding more like a PT Barnum carnival guy calls me and convinces me that I should go and see a recruiter who will explain the company to me. I was skeptical but I was also lonely. People do a lot of things they would normally not do when they are hurting. I did meet with the recruiter who explained everything to me. I filled out some personality profiles, etc.,. Their location in Bonita Springs is in a very nice office location so they initially give off the appearance of being very legit. Although they tout themselves as an "executive level" service, the other employees that I observed in the office were not dressed professionally. After about a 2 hour meeting I decided to go ahead and fork over 6k. In return I was given a very cheap blue folder with some information about the rules, regulations, and a copy of my signed contract. As I was signing over my cash I did ask the recruiter if I there was any way I could get a refund and she really did not say anything. When I got home I realized that nowhere on any of the materials I received was there a single name of anyone I could talk to. There was simply a business card with a number for client services. I did, however, see on my contract that there was a 3 day rescind clause (why this was never mentioned to me while I was sitting in front my recruiter I don't know). I decided later to do some research on the company and found that there were many, many complaints on the web concerning this organization. Most of them were very alarming. I was wondering if I had made a poor decision and had a sleepless night. The next morning I got up and drove back to the Bonita Springs office only to find it closed. I then called the "client services" number and no one answered the phone. In fact, I had to call numerous times to get through... very troubling for an "executive level" kind of company. Apparently, the local office does not keep regular business hours. I guess they are only open when someone is coming in to give them money. Of course, this was never disclosed to me either. I actually sat in the parking lot for two hours waiting for the office to open. The contract does state that the only way you can cancel your membership is to either appear at the office or send a certified letter to them. Long story short, the more I dealt with them and looked into their processes, the more red flags kept popping up. By the end of the three days I went from being a "guy who many women would love to meet" to, "The reason you are single is because you are a difficult person and we would not want our clients to meet you". Hardly the kind if thing you would expect from an "executive level" organization. Lucky for me I was able to send my certified letter and get a full refund. Although the contract does not state this, they will tell you in client services that you can request a refund through them as well (it did depend on who you talk to. Some people said you could, and others said you could not). I would be very, very cautious about giving this organization your money. I don't think they are as professional as they want you to think. I dodged a 6K bullet here. Disappointing to be sure.
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  • Commented By:Charles H.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:03-Jul-2017
Charles H. says: Naples Singles - Ella Miller is one of the biggest RIPOFFS for older men, My Name Charles Hager age 68 and very healthy, they prey on older men for there BOILER ROOM OPERATIONS revenue. Ella Miller who was my specialist stated and I quote " we have over 1700 qualified women with homes worth at least a half million dollar in the Naples area", she went on to state many of there women were in business and financially secure. I'm a business men looking for a financial set women and a non TRUMP women. They started at $6500 then $4500, then $3500, I said NO, then she said If I pay them $2500 now she could match me up with very successful women. They then charged 3 of my credits cards like vultures, Ella Miller filled out all the application and said sign here. I could not get out of there with 2 of them hovering over me to sign. The first dates was 40 miles away in Fort Myers a Trump Fan, I paid for dinner and left. Through there antique email services, I filled a complaint, the personalized service promised me did not exist. I said, I paid you to meet successful women from Naples not 40 miles away. Second date was a semi retired Trump fan again who did catering in the winter and lived in an apartment. I'm now suing NAPLES SINGLES in small claims for FRAUD - Misrepresentation case number11-2017-SC-001145-0001-XX. Date of court case is July 21, 2017 pre-trail at 10:30 am in small claim court 20th circuit court downtown Naples before Judge Micheal J. Brown, anyone who has been defrauded by Naples Singles can come to court and speak there mine. I also intend to file claims with the Florida District Attorney as this firm is strictly ripping off older men as they do not have anywhere near 1700 women they promised or anything for that matter except to take your money.
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  • Commented By:Jean N.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:28-Jun-2017
Jean N. says: Don't waste your time, money or emotions. Mintah (the owner?) is a liar and the whole thing is a scam. She claimed to have over 3000 eligible bachelors - all doctors, lawyers and professionals - and of course Mintah claimed they were all good looking romantic guys. I wound up with one date each with a two month widower, a plumber, a car mechanic and someone who could hardly speak English. I had nothing in common with any of these men. At least one of them verbalized dissatisfaction with Naples Singles as well. Naples Singles is definitely a rip-off. Stay Away.
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  • Commented By:Jenalee F.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:30-May-2017
Jenalee F. says: Absolutely NOT. I agree with Adean G. and Megan S. As far as I am concerned they are a legalized version of Heidi Fliese NYC. They took me for $3500.00 . They were going to charge $7,000. Talk about praying on the elderly. I am 79 (78 @ the time). Oh, yes they said we can find someone in less 6mo. This was April 2016. Yes there were dates, however, just old men. between 80-90. Their inventory s##@#. I am a very young 79 at this time. So, April 2016 to April 2017 I saw 6-(which was my limit) but they extended for 3 more. Honestly, I never did find one that I wanted to connect with. Lawrence. who agrees WE GOT RIPPED OFF. We agree we should go on TV so no other elders will get taken. Also, I was a perfect victim, my husband had passed a way 4 months before. PLEASE, IF ANY OF YOU 75-90 BEWARE.I never saw anyone that I wanted to sit across the table from again. This is such a scary thing. They need to be shut down or investigated . The mother company is in Dallas. JF
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Naples Singles’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    D.M. vs. Naples Singles

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Problem with a service
    Claimant says:I signed on with Naples Singles in October 2016 for eight meetings and have thus far gone on three dates. I had nothing in common with any of these men. Naples Singles tells me to be patient but I don't think they have any compatible men in their data base. I requested they refund half of my fee which I think is fair but they refuse saying that...

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