Complaint History & Business Rating for Mascia Law Firm

605 E Robinson St Ste 430, Orlando, Florida, 32801-2044, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Angel L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:19-Mar-2016
Angel L. says: From the beginning Macias failed to keep me informed of progress with my file or lack thereof .My partner and I had to visit their office personally and speak with Ms Kiplin, their lawyer, and file a formal complaint regarding our concerns. Things improved momentarily and then went right back to the Status Quo. Macias was using Argent Realty Group 390 N orange Ave. Orlando 32801 Tel. 855-277-3814, represented by Agent Patricia Schneider. When difficulties arose with the sale of the Property at 821 Victoria Park Bv. Orlando, Patricia was never available for answers, always referring me to Lynnette Mentlick, My Case Manager, whom promised to get back to me with the pertinent Information but rarely did. In fact the entire experience with Macias Law Firm was a total disappointment. I would have been grateful for the final conclusion when 821 Victoria Park Bv. was sold, but now it appears that 821 Victoria Park was sold under FORECLURE, not Short Sale. The main reason I hired Macias was to be protected against Foreclosure otherwise I could've just abandoned the property and gotten the same result at a much cheaper price. I guess that's why they now refuse to communicate with me. Angel.
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Mascia Law Firm’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Angel L. Rosa vs. Macias Law Firm

    • Bad business practices
    • Problem with a product
    • Problem with a service
    Claimant says:In 2014 my wife and I hired the Macias Law Firm to assist us with the SHORT SALE of three Homes we owned. We paid Macias $195.00 per house until the first houses were sold, then we paid $295.00 for the third house until it was sold in 2015. Recently we tried to contact Macias in order to obtain some documents for our Income Tax Returns. Macias does...

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