Complaint History & Business Rating for Kadlec Medical Ctr

888 Swift Blvd, 399725, Richland, Washington, 99352, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:April C.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:09-Jun-2022
April C. says: There's no way Kadlec has a perfect score of patient satisfactory. Look over their ratings on Google. Their clinics never make it higher then 2.5 out 5 stars. That's not A care. In my opinion that rating is too high.
I've been a patient of Kadlec for 5 years and in the beginning the care was good. I trusted them to help me and they did. Then the care I received went from decent to slowly sub par. I had to move from pcp to pcp. Most left because they couldn't stand Kadlec, 2 abandoned me and yes I mean abandoned, and 1 refused to treat me after one session because they didn't treat people with chronic illness or depression. But that's one part of the problem.
The primary problem being the doctors, specialist, and ED often neglected testing or treating me for the diagnosis I had, they wrote into their system but never acknowledged when I asked about what was wrong with me. Now after years of increasing neglect, gaslighting from nursing staff, to managers, and worst of all the doctors who I trusted had my best interest at heart. Which was to help find out what was wrong with me and help me live my best life. Instead in May of 2021 I found out they knew what I had, had blood testing showing chronic kidney disease and enzyme problems, and were refusing to speak or treat me for any of it. After that they certain doctors tried prescribing me medications I was allergic too or had dangerous interactions with current medications I was taking, they delayed or refused to give me tests even though I was doubled covered by insurance, they based my care on the standard of average of a healthy person and not by how or who I am as an individual, but what was worse was finding out they never read my patient history. I caught staff and doctors lying multiple times about how they said, wrote, or read something only to find out they didn't read a damn thing. They irresponsibly refused to even acknowledge diagnosis medical staff themselves wrote into their notes about my condition and care I needed. The condition I thought they found in 2020 just before the pandemic. No it was back in 2017 but to my knowledge never discussed with me. No doctor from Kadlec explained to me how they missed an important and easily treatable diagnosis of Empty Sella Syndrome. Nope I found all of this out by looking through my medical records after it was accidentally revealed to me by my last Kadlec pcp. Because I found out that a Kadlec neurologist wrote; I had possible Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension and it needed further investigation 2 years prior. Except the way the meeting went between the Neurologist and I was they saw nothing wrong. They could help me by refferring me out to a ophthalmologist but they wouldn't bother either. The Neurologist said nothing about my having Empty Sella Syndrome or how my failing vision was related to it. They said they saw nothing wrong on my scans and if I wasn't happy with their answer, I was entitled to a second opinion. That exchange was in 2019, my confirmation of Empty Sella Syndrome was by a Kadlec Endocrinologist in Feb 2020.
I started investigating what else Kadlec had written down in my patient charts after finding out about my possible IIH. From there, the more I found out the worse my treatment got. In September I got to the point I couldn't stand for more then 10-20mins. I was having breathing difficulty, dehydration, malnutrition, a very slowed heart rate but high blood pressure, and chronically low blood sugar levels. I almost died. Kadlec did nothing to help me find out what was happening or why. Turned out I was suffering from Hypopituitarism, a very well known associated condition of ESS. I was lacking electrolytes, potassium, and proteins. They refused to do a comprehensive blood or take into account my body needed more then it was getting by on. At the same time a Kadlec Cardiologist was prescribing blood pressure medications I warned were causing my breathing problems. They refused to listen and I was forced to take matter into my own hands. I did the research, changed my medicines, got the vitamins and nutrients I needed and I made myself better.
Unfortunately it wasn't enough and I still needed Kadlec's help. I tried during this time to find experts outside of Kadlec but due to Covid, facilities were either backed up or needed the cooperation of Kadlec to continue the process. When I went to the Kadlec Endocrinologist, they refused to help me meet with the pituitary experts such as Johns Hopkins, because they felt I didn't need it. It was also during this time my pcp wasn't speaking directly to me, which was concerning because I found him to be reliable and an advocate for me in the beginning. Since the beginning of this year I've been suffering from repeated cysts growths and pops in my ovaries, was showing signs of cushing syndrome, fatty liver syndrome or pancreatitis. Even after reporting the problems nobody at Kadlec wanted or thought to test me to see what was going on. Not even when I was in so much pain I had to go to the Kadlec ED. I had to ask for tests. Let me repeat; I had to ask to be tested for my abdominal pain.
That's when they found the cyst. I had to go back to the ED a few days later because I was also having breathing difficulties again. I was in severe pain, had cysts, was having difficulty breathing and no clue why, and I had fainted everyday up to that point. 2 Kadlec ED doctors said my not being able to breathe didn't constitute as an emergency. The first said they'd run basic test to make sure I wasn't dying but not check on my cysts or pain in my upper abdomen. The 2nd doctor said my condition was due to psycho soma and never once checked looked at my patient chart before saying it. Neither doctor or nursing staff checked to see if I was even having an allergic reaction or test me for covid. Didn't look at to see I was someone in danger with the ATM cancer mutagen and should be tested for anything for that alone. They did nothing. That was flat out negligent and could've cause serious harm. When it happened again I figured out to use anti allergy drugs to help treat the breathing problem. It wasn't and still isn't a permanent fix to what looks like an allergic reaction.
Shortly after that incident, I confronted my pcp on why things were different between us, how I needed his help for additional testing I found out was available for me to have done at Kadlec. Testing I was told by the Kadlec Endocrinologist and Neurologists weren't available to be taken in town. I was referred multiple times to take tests for my health issues out of town because Kadlec doctors said they didn't have the ability to do it. Not scheduled out, not short staffed, they distinctly said, they didn't have the ability to test for what I might have. That there were better specialists that could help. Specialist that when I was referred to turned me down because Kadlec is horrible at reporting patient information or they weren't taking patients from out of town. What's far more frustrating was discovering out Kadlec's website boasts about the latest innovative tests available in town, this was also confirmed by the specialists own office staff.
The meeting with my pcp was devastating and while experiencing severe upper and lower abdominal pain, test results showing something wrong with my liver/pancreas, and now needing preventive care because of possible cancer; my pcp said if I wasn't happy with their care, to find someone else. They promised to refer me and take care of me till I met with the new doctor. This promise was promptly dropped after discovering my 6th ovarian cyst in 6 months, with 1 6cm and growing on my right, and 1 3cm growing on my left. Found out about these cysts after my last trip to the ED. I had to go because of the severe allergy I had to antacids and anti inflammatories. To ensure I was tested and taken seriously I had to craft a letter asking from written reason why I may not be tested for anything once admitted. Very effective calling out Kadlec's past treatment, highly recommend. But I digress.
I also got a call of concern from the Oncologist about my blood work, finding out I have PCOS or Ovarian Hyperstimulation, constant pain where my liver is located, excruciating pain from the cysts, no pain meds for it while I wait 6 weeks for a consultation for surgery of these cysts, in danger of losing the meds I have to take daily like my blood pressure medication, developing concerning allergies to anti inflammatories; my pcp abandoned me. After that I started getting calls from other Kadlec facilities, Neurology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, etc; suggesting I move to seeing out of town doctors because they're not equipped to handle what I have. Would be a great idea if wait list weren't months out and I wasn't living below the poverty line. Which they know, and if I didn't know what I have.
Now it's June of this year 2022, I find out I am now suffering serious damages caused from Kadlecs constant neglect, gaslighting, and outright abandonment. I'm now in danger of losing my chance to ever have children, permanent damage to my eyes, and my throat. Kadlec had no problem helping me with birth control but told me to give up the thought of ever conceiving. That broke me.
I have yet to confirm damage to my pancreas/liver because Kadlec Gastroenterology claimed they don't help people with pancreatic health problems. Though Kadlec website, which is up to date website, says they do. Kadlec Gynecologist says I have to wait 6 weeks to get surgery for cysts on 0 pain meds to get me through till then. No referrals to an Allergist and no response back from Kadlec Patient Advocacy.
Where was or where is this A rating treatment when I asked for it? Begged for it, was willing to try anything to get better because I wanted to live? What's A about a company who went to court against the state attorney general for not giving the donations to patients that signed up for their charity program. I actually tried to use it too for my neck and back pain. Kadlec wouldn't even help pay for my weight loss or spine stimulator with their charity program to help .
Funnily enough, I got more help outside with physical therapy and most effectively from a local Chiropractor. A also means being sued again for surprise billing to patients. Again I can atest to this because for years this happened quite often for trips I had taken to the ED. They never bothered to bill my double coverage and went straight to charging me instead. I never realized that was intentional. I figured incompetence but not intentional harm. I should've known better.
There's nothing A about Kadlec. Take a look at how many patients they still have to deal with at their emergency department. The number of patients is increasing. They prioritize covid patients only, don't treat people with chronic health issues, they don't even try even if they have the answers, they send patients all over the place but don't coordinate care or speak with the clinic they sent them too, and while they have a facebook page singing their praises they seemed to be a certain demographic. I don't want to call them racist but I can easily say they work the cases they can work. I'm not saying the patients they've helped have it easy, they don't. They deserve to get better. I'm saying Kadlec makes it very clear the kind of cases they're willing to put effort in and those are the ones they can profit from or exploit. They have money, they have the means to help many people, but they don't. They neglect too many patients, even treat their office employees like dirt, and their doctors and nursing staff are easily harming too many patients resulting in lasting irreversible harm. Just like my case. That's not A that's an F for failure.
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