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38453 Fifth Avenue, Zephyrhills, Florida, 33542, United States.

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  • Commented By:Linda D.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:14-Oct-2015
Linda D. says: Whenever I asked about my slip and fall case, all he said to me, is that only my broken hip would he sue for. My spinal column is severely damaged due to the fall. Yes, I had back problems, mild ones. Had been told not to lift over 5 pounds by my family Dr. Dency Rivas, at causeway clinic, he has all my records dating back to the 80's. which are available to my attorney, who did not even bother to get them. He has an office girl organize his papers, and she reviews them to Mr. Hudgins.
He called me once to tell my my husband is not allowed to come to the office without me, and he never gets me the information I wanted, He dropped my case when all that was left to do was a trial, which he stated he did not think thats best. At mediation we came down to 99k, after we asked for 350k initally.
My last meeting with him I said 30k for me is ok, he said he might have to put in 5k of his own money, I said ok. and after that, he no longer gave us (me and my husband) hugs, because previously he hugged us every time we saw him, including at the court house. Hmmmmmmmmm!!!! Also he told me once what am I looking for a trip to europe, I have news for him we have a house in cyprus, my husbands country, and all his family is there, so all me need is air fare and we stay with one of his 3 brothers, and 1 sister, or his mother who is in her late 80's. This fall crippled me, I use a wheel chair, walker and cane when I go to the doctor or lawyer I have to spend 3 days in bed because it throws my spine out. Also my right leg is 3 inches shorter because of my badly shattered spine, and broken hip. So he dropped me because I gave permission in writing for my husband to pick up records and any info about my case, of which I had very little, due to the fact almost every month I requested the same. So here I sit no longer cooking, cleaning, gardening, or ever watching tv with my husband in the evening, I cannot sit on the couch more than 1 hour, maybe 1 1/2 hours. My spine gives me extreme pain then I have to go to bed, 8pm or so.

So thanks Mr. Hudgens for going back on your word to see me till the end of my case, and damming me to a life of pain and isolation..

This is my opinion alone, from my own experience. Truth will out.
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