Complaint History & Business Rating for Haverhill Police Dept

40 Bailey Blvd, Haverhill, Massachusetts, 1830, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Mud S.
  • Recommended:Maybe
  • On:07-Dec-2022
Mud S. says: My wife and I bought a home here in Haverhill 6 years ago. We now have a 3yr old. But we apparently picked the wrong town. Up until this year we actually loved it here, now we just want to get the hell out. Almost every night we have to listen to beater cars with loud exhaust and music, racing up and down our streets all night. It goes on for hours. A neighbor of ours has contacted the police department twice regarding this issue and nothing has changed. I was close by, listening when the officers arrived. They were quick to respond, they were very courteous and very professional but seemed to ultimately shrug off the complaint, like there was nothing they could do or they didn’t believe her. Even as I’m writing this, I’m hearing engines spinning up the rpm’s and hitting the bridge like it’s their own personal quarter mile race track. I don’t have anything against loud “race cars” but this late at night? While tax paying families who have jobs and families must rest. I ride a Harley and would never disrespect an entire neighborhood by hitting the throttle that hard. They’re probably just kids who think they’re “fast and furious”, playing games and bs’n around. So an officer can’’t pull one or two of these drivers over and tell them to slow it down? Lighten up during the evening hours maybe so people with jobs and family’s can sleep?

We straddle the Bradford/Haverhill border.. are there no cruisers available this side of the river? Spend a few weekday nights here between 7-3am and you’ll hear it yourself. Have Haverhill’s finest become complacent and expect the same from us? If I were to try and fix this issue myself, peacefully (if even possible) I’d likely be the one getting cited. So calling the police solves nothing at all. At least not around here. It’s worth noting my entire family and I are pro-police. We love and depend on you to keep us safe. I don’t know about everyone else, but I no longer feel safe in this neighborhood and will be moving when/if the market returns to close to normal.
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