Complaint History & Business Rating for Geeks at Work Inc

Boone, North Carolina, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:S E.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:28-Feb-2021
S E. says: I dropped off a computer at Geeks at Work Inc and the tech was able to retrieve some files, but felt he could get more if I left it. When I finally went to pick it up after a few weeks, he said he had some good ideas for repair and could I leave it beyond the 90 days. This was no problem, so I did. I called several times and he was never in, but I was always told that they'd pass on the message. Finally I lost patience and went in to get it, and they couldn't find the computer at all.

Eventually the manager told me that they had sold my laptop as it had been left there beyond 90 days! When I explained that the tech had asked me to leave it there because he had an idea to fix it, the manager said something like "yeah, he was always telling people that and now he's gone."

If they knew that the tech was "always telling people that" you'd think they would have at least called the customers before getting rid of their computers. There was sensitive information on my laptop, as well as many treasured photos, and I have no idea what happened to it. The manager didn't care in the least and didn't even apologize.

This happened several years ago and I didn't know what to do at the time. Technically, yes, I had left the computer for longer than 90 days and they had the "right" to sell it for whatever few bucks they could get for it. But for the manager to have recognized the problem with a particular employee and yet have done nothing about it is ethically beyond low. Recently a friend of mine asked about the place and I realize that I at least have the duty to warn others not to leave anything there for long, regardless of what employees tell them.
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