Complaint History & Business Rating for Gaines Investments

12324 Gaines Way, Walton, Kentucky, 41094-9355, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Helen S.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:22-Nov-2016
Helen S. says: When I 1st moved to their property in Milford Ohio, Michelle B. (property manager/owner) was great, very friendly. As time went on, I seen more & more she's very controlling, "authority happy". The exterminator she has visit the premises on reg basis, has the attitude of being "Gods gift to the world of extermination", Michelle actually thinks he is as well. When I proved him wrong on an issue, she's hated me since. Lock on my mailbox was broken, took her 2 months to replace. Wood bees were coming in from behind the wall unit AC, which took her 4 weeks to look into & to correct the problem was very poorly done. She initially kept major portion of my security deposit, refunding $75 out of $525. The check off list she included with the $75 check, soon as I read it, it was very obvious she just marked off anything to (supposedly) justify the deductions. I can tell she didn't think before marking off just about anything. For example: she had "dining room window & screen were dirty". Not only is just being dirty legally considered normal wear & tear (no amount of the deposit is allowed deducted for this), the floor plan of my apt....there are no windows or screens.
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