Complaint History & Business Rating for Florida Technical College

8711 Lone Star Road, Jacksonville, Florida, 32211, United States.

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  • Commented By:Grace J.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:16-Jul-2018
Grace J. says: The Miami Herald published that Florida Technical College paid $600,000 in a court settlement for registering 27 students with no high school diploma or GED. Since then it was noticeable that changes was occurring; new students with less uniforms, staff passing out Chrome note tablet instead of the usual Apple I-pads, great full time Professors leaving which a few good are left but now all Professors are called Instructors. When asked about the changes, faculty and staff replied that they were going in a “restructure phase” which in the world of business means (someone messed up, and we are all screwed). Now, I’ve been reading other review websites where a female student wrote about the Kissimmee campus welding instructor visiting the business Instructor during class and explains how that she (the business Instructor) is so flirty, smiley with hugs and kisses with the welding Instructor and about that we all must stop and analyze culture. Hispanic culture is very rich in expressions and emotions and I learned that by nature and nurture they are very sincere when it comes to friendship. It is admirable how hispanics from different countries meet for the first time and within minutes they interact like if they where born and raised together. I studied in the Kissimmee campus and in my class we all noticed that indeed the welding Instructor used to come during class to either drop of or pick up something, also the business Professor used to give us 20 to 30 minutes break and in occasions she was late which we didn’t mind. Hispanic culture are very warm when greeting and most Hispanic Professors, faculty and staff are communicative in that manner and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that however, I studied business in the Kissimmee campus and I learned about business ethics, corporate conduct, organization behavior to include moral and values. In big corporation this type of conduct is considered fraternizing and is unacceptable. Unfortunately rational human observe an act and conclude with negative perception. I finished my associates degree in May 2018 and for everyone involved with Florida Technical College, my best wishes and good fortune.
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