Complaint History & Business Rating for City of Austin

301 W 2nd St, Austin, Texas, 78701-3906, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Deedee H.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:06-Sep-2021
Deedee H. says: For the amount of taxes we pay for the overinflated, poorly constructed real estate in this city, along with the astronomical taxes we pay to live here, the city should be reinvesting some of the taxes we pay into the existing infrastructure, upkeep and refurbishment of city roads, sidewalks, medians and common areas, but in the 39 years I have lived here, there has never been one dollar reinvested in the neighborhoods and surrounding city streets I have lived in or driven on, except for those in the most expensive areas of town where the city caters to the people who live there, such as Brykerwoods, Tarrytown, and Pemberton Heights. But, all other roads and public areas are left by the city of Austin to rot and disintegrate into he slummy looking areas they are today and where nice neighborhoods and expensive houses are being built. Major streets like Lake Austin Blvd and Braker Lane east of Mopac have busted concrete medians, trash left on the side of the road, unkempt long grass and weeds growing in the medians and along the sides of the roads, walls in disrepair and no public trash bins to throw trash at the corners of major intersections where people throw their waste. They let vagrants panhandle on the corners of major streets and amass garbage and trash, but neither provide a place for them to throw it nor trash collection services to pick it up. With the special exception of the few (3-4) richest areas of the city, this city looks like an inner city slum and I am embarrassed to have friends from out of the city come to visit me because of it. It has become worse than Houston or San Antonio which have always been pretty slummy in the past, but in my opinion, Austin has far surpassed them. I would love to see my tax money invested into the respectable neighborhood I live (and have lived) in for once!
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