Complaint History & Business Rating for Chatttanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA)

1617 Wilcox Blvd, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 37406-4302, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Jenifer M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:25-Dec-2016
Jenifer M. says: I have been riding and boarding on the Chattanooga area regional transportation authority carta city bus for 31 years of services, which is a very very long time. the staff drivers that drive the carta city buses and the upper level business management for carta, and corporate management employers for carta are very mean , ugly, unprofessional, and arrogant , they are very rude and nasty with their customers that ride the carta buses every day on regular route hour etc. these staff management do not treat people right with respect nor dignity. they also are very mean and prejudice against the pedestrian handicap disable customer that have mental disability or physical disability. some customers and myself as well have called the Chattanooga city police department to file several police report against carta city bus transportation employees and staff for been very bias, mean, prejudice, and also the staff management will elligally engage in any type of racial issue hate crime against other people nationality, color, gender, sex, religion faith believe, and disability status. they practice hate crime. a form of violence , a violation of the amendments of the constitutional rights of all human race or nature. and also carta staff management will violate every human been behavior civil act right movement , they will teach, enforce and practice abolish slavery against they customers and their workers employees . they do discriminate people and abuse them emotionally , and mentally. I have reported this legal complaint matter several time for been offended to the NAACP negro association, Tennessee human rights commission, internal affair Chattanooga, tn police department and the office of ADA civil rights transportation services etc. these official complain records are posted online with these federal agency for public records . and also I have file several petition in the general session Hamilton county civil court law sue settlement for brutalizing and discriminating their customers and also acting prejudice for any good reason nor cause. we shall be treated equal with respect , and with love. it does not matter who you are, where you came from , what ever you chose to do with your life etc, etc. they suppose to treat every body right the way you want to be treated.. have love for every body, and some compassion for others. and not try to mistreat , abuse, yelled, or take disadvantage of others customers. and also they shall not try to bully others people nor provoke them to make them angry with others boarding passengers that ride the buses every day by not trying to spread bad rumors about others people, staff employees when they get fired or terminated from carta city bus transportation etc. I watch them very carefully and listen to them carefully when they driving they bus route daily etc. I do observe and pay attention to details, they lack of work performance, and work poor business evaluation rating. I will grade carta city buses transportation with 3 F',F'F' failing grade. they business is very, very, poor in their unprofessional business elligal matter. I want you to investigate these cases complaint matter very carefully. and have a private investigator or ombudsman administration officers look into those cases very cases and investigate it carefully into consideration and also enforce the civil act law to end and fight for freedom of every customer. they shall try to end slavery or abolish slavery in untied states of America. make every body feel good , happy, and welcome very welcome in America as U.S.A American citizen, non citizen, and permanent resident that are here lawfully legal buy law
immigration status. we are all god children in the eyes of the lord savior jesus Christ the son of the heavenly father god. John 3: 16. the king james version bible. we shall not own slave nor force any body into slavery , nor practice slavery among all human kind in United States of America nor any other part of the world against the black minority, or the other people of color that live on this earth planet. thank you very much. together we shall make a big big change in our life and people etc. we shall all respect every body needs and value as a person , and do not offend them nor mentally abuse them any kind of way.
this is zero tolerance policy. nobody wants to tolerate this from any body etc. etc.
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