Complaint History & Business Rating for Charter Spectrum (Headquarters)

400 Atlantic St Ste 6, Stamford, Connecticut, 06901-3533, United States.

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What Charter Spectrum (Headquarters) customers think NEW

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Robert G.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:24-Aug-2021
Robert G. says: Defrauding customers. Say they are a monthly subscription service. If so you would still have services until the end of the billing cycle. They charge you for services not provided. The very definition of fraud. If they provided the services till the end of the month they could be a subscription service but they do not provide the services they charge for.
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  • Commented By:Peggie P.
  • Recommended:Maybe
  • On:14-Jul-2020
Peggie P. says: Just got a customer service guy that wasn't having me think they were going to help and after having me wait on the line, the phone would suddenly go dead. This has been a week of wasted time and aggravation.

1. I have a renter in my home who is a doctor and it is important if he has connection with the hospital. I went to the service center on 18th Street, Costa Mesa to ask if we could delay the transfer of the modem and router to after he left. The store said no because the old modem/router would not work. Told me it was easy to transfer one to the other and I could do it.

2. Monday I met with the renter and transferred the equipment. The TV and phone were activated but not the internet. From that time we started phone calls with the Spectrum help. We had many calls and nothing was resolved. After two hours of calls (the representative would have us stay on the line and then leave with us waiting, the rep then would disconnect. At one time I was transferred to Mexico and all in Spanish. If it didn't happen so many times I would think it was a mistake.

3. I then went to the Spectrum store that I had visited the week before. They said there were no tech notions available
in the area and come back the next day to see if there was a cancellation. I came back the next day and they said no openings. I felt they were very cavalier with no empathy with my situation.

4. I went on line and called a Spectrum headquarters customer service, he listened to my situation and responded with truth about the technicians being unavailable but put in a request to the dispatcher to call when a service man is available. That man was a very good representative of your company.

As you can see I am frustrated but hopeful.

Peggie Parrott
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  • Commented By:Patrick B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:07-Dec-2019
Patrick B. says: So I had Spectrum in Austin, TX for 2 years now. They were fine until I had my services disconnected due to the new location that does not have Spectrum. I cancelled my services on 12/06/2019 and they billed me for the full month of December, stating that they are a "subscription service" and you pay for the full month whether you use it or not. The representative on the phone even stated, "Well next time ensure you cancel your service before the end of the month." Lady there will be no next time. I will never get Spectrum again and I will gladly use your competitor. Every other "subscription service" prorates the payment back to you based on unused time. This is shady billing practices, but if you need the $70 that badly, fine, you'll never get anymore from me ever again.
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  • Commented By:Anne M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:15-Nov-2019
Anne M. says: I downgraded my tv service 1week into my new billing period yet was charged full amount for remaining 3 weeks that I did not have that service. I was told no credit would be given, At no time was I told that this would happen nor was I advised to wait until the end of my billing period to downgrade. This is pure EXTORTION. They charged me for service that I did not receive.
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  • Commented By:Robert W.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:14-Oct-2019
Robert W. says: Poor, no terrible quality service. TV, Phone and Internet. All very poor quality. TV frequently freezes or crashes with an error message saying something along the lines of, "We're sorry for the inconvenience, service is currently unavailable. Please try again later or call customer support..." Missed last week's episode of your favorite TV show? Don't bother trying to watch it On Demand. It either won't be there, or if it is it will freeze halfway through and present you with the same error message. Phone service? You have to hang up and try again multiple times until you can get a clear call without loud static noise coming through the speaker on both ends of the connection, both incoming and outgoing. Internet? No where near the speeds Spectrum claims. Try to watch a video, you will instead be staring at a buffering screen for several minutes before the video begins to play for a few seconds, only to stop and buffer for a few more minutes. Spectrum will also invade your privacy by going through your computers offline files, such as game and music downloads, then call and send notices in the mail telling you what you can and can't have on your PC and who to give money to.
They will also gradually increase the charges on your bill more and more each month, as if they think you're too stupid to notice - not to mention extra added fees for whatever fabricated excuse they can come up with.
And when you call support to speak to someone about any issues, you will get a foreigner who barely speaks english and doesn't understand your problem. They will repeatedly read off the same responses to your questions that will have no effect in resolving your issue(s), then they will talk down to you as if you're the one who is too stupid to understand the problem.
Stay away from Spectrum people. Don't give those fraudulent thieves a single penny of your hard-earned money. They don't deserve it. And for those of you who don't know how to deal with cable company thieves trying to rip you off for services they aren't providing. It's real simple. Cut them off at your bank account. Disable any automatic withdrawal if you have it set up that way and when Spectrum calls you demanding money you need only tell them four simple words - G.F.Y.S. then hang up.
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Charter Spectrum (Headquarters)’s Complaint History (21):

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