Complaint History & Business Rating for Atlanticare Regional Medical Center Mainland Division, Pomona, Nj 08240

Jim Leeds R., Pomona, NJ 08205, Pomona, New Jersey, 08240, United States.

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What Atlanticare Regional Medical Center Mainland Division, Pomona, Nj 08240 customers think NEW

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Wilma L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:03-Dec-2016
Wilma L. says: They use Hospitalists that are not trained properly to treat patients. Your personal doctors are not allowed in the hospital to treat you, they are strangers and know nothing about you or your medical background, they don't have most meds in the pharmacy and tell you to have somebody bring your meds from home (that you have already paid for) and turn them over to their pharmacy and then they charge you per pill as they dispense them so you pay again to receive your own meds. They put info in your chart that is totally wrong, they listed an opioid med on my discharge the I never heard of saying I was taking it when I was admitted, they can't even get your weight and height right, put 2 different listings between admission and discharge and yet they don't even have a scale I'm the hospital, they just make up things. The moron hospital insisted over and over and over that he was going to put a BIG needle in my HEART to give me IV'S because they ruined all my veins in 2 days and I told him he was insane and an idiot and didn't know the difference between a muscle and vein, IV'S have to go through a VEIN, NOT A MUSCLE and you cannot put a needle in somebody's HEART and say it is going to be permanent for IV access permanently. He even wore his name tag backwards so you could not see his name. He showed no evidence of ever doing a residency where they go around with REAL DOCTORS making rounds so they physically learn how to take care of patients, it was as if they graduated med school and the hospital hired them with nothing but book learning, no hands on training. As far as I am concerned he performed MALPRACTICE AND THREATENED MY LIFE WHEN HE KEPT INSISTING HE WAS PUTTING A BIG NEEDLE IN MY HEART WHICH COULD HAVE KILLED ME. I called to report him and the girl I talked to said she was supposedly A PATIENT ADVOCATE, meaning she is supposed to stand up for the patient, inside she sided with the hospitalist but requested an investigation, another Dr. called me and questioned me and said it would be looked into, I had a call from the hospitalist wanting to know why I was reporting him, because he wasn't fit to teat patients??? The Dr. Moraud called me and said he is in charge of the hospitalists so I had to go through it all over again and finally he actually said to me "I guess maybe he needs a little more training", why was he allowed to treat people in the first place if Dr. Moraurd admitted he needed more training that only meant the hospitalists are allowed to practice on sick people even though they aren't trained right. I even sent a letter to Mrs. Lori Herndon the President and CEO who I know personally from working at that hospital for 26 years and she felt my treatment was fine also and that it is ok to have idiots treating sick people, with them dying from improper treatment. I was told by REAL DOCTORS after I left the hospital not to ever go through the ER there again because as patients themselves they understood and believed everything I said about my mistreatment first hand. People should not be dying because incompetent people are playing doctor.

W. Kay Leeds
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