Complaint History & Business Rating for American General Life Insurance Company (Aig)

2000 American General Way Nashville TN 37250-0001, PO Box 305800 MC-380S, Nashville, Tennessee, 37230-5800, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F

What American General Life Insurance Company (Aig) customers think NEW

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Angela D.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:23-Dec-2022
Angela D. says: My husband passed away in 2016. I nearly lost my mind. Just a few weeks ago I'm looking at paper work and he has American General life inc. I about fell over right where I stood. He started the policy June 2013. I reached out to American General and they say his policy lapsed June 2013. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE BECAUSE IM LOOKING AT THE PAPERWORK. It started on his birthday. He still had the same job until his death in 2016! I think they are ripping me off
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  • Commented By:Cindy N.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:12-May-2017
Cindy N. says: AIG has done this to me for many years now. It has been a fact that this is a story of greed and corruption, costly incompetence and outright thievery. This actually got started almost twenty six years ago. "While the case is somewhat unusual in terms of the length of years. It ultimately proves that fraudsters may eventually be caught up, dealt with and exposed." There is no statute of limitation in a case where people have gotten by with stalling, distorting the truth, use of deception and diversion tactics, denying, denying. In other words using these "Unfair and Deceptive Claim Settlement Practices". This does not stop with AIG if they are not making every excuse imaginable for not just going ahead and settling this for me they are completely ignoring their responsibility in denying from the beginning that I was entitled to any proceeds. It is a fact that they have covered the fact that I was the beneficiary on any policies with numerous people not only in Ohio but Tennessee. It is a fact that it has been proven I was entitled to the money. It is a fact that I have done everything humanly possible in showing them my sincerity and never wanting to accuse them of a conspiracy. It is a fact that there will be a day that this will catch up with them because I will not be letting this go. We are talking about now close to twenty six years of my life. So just for the record if they think this is over they have another thing coming. Below is exactly what they have done to me all this years and it starting to seem like it might be a very costly mistake because you can't even imagine how many chances they have had to settle this for me. Treat me fair, acknowledge the fact I continue to be denied what I was entitled to for so many years.
Anxious consumers and businesses are increasingly turning to insurance fraud to escape financial turmoil, giving little thought to the very real consequences of perpetuating this serious crime. Just as their schemes have gained in complexity and vigor, so to has the investigative acumen of law enforcement, insurance carriers, and industry organizations. In fighting this growing epidemic, our collective story telling serves as a valuable purpose--that is, to educate peers and sharing these real life crime dramas, from stage accidents to arson, workers compensation and insurance policy fraud, also underscores the toll incated on insurers and society as a whole. Unfortunately, life insurance, can become in the hands of the unscrupulous. And it does more than line the pockets of the fraudsters; life insurance fraud can also cost you.
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  • Commented By:Maurice B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:09-Jun-2016
Maurice B. says: It appears they do not adhere to a customer's rights to know details of a transaction until the customer has to expend enormous effort to satisfy unnecessary documentations. Proper communication at the first contact with their "analysts" on procedure options could prevent much customer dissatisfaction.
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  • Commented By:Maurice B.
  • Recommended:N/A
  • On:09-Jun-2016
Maurice B. says: I have made a suggestion on my complaint to you that in matters where persons such as those in the claim situation that i was in, your analysts should have given me the option of quitting the claim at the time of first conversation. I was told by a contact way after I filed the complaint that i could have.
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American General Life Insurance Company (Aig)’s Complaint History (5):

5 claims are currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    D.S. vs. American General Life Insurance

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    Claimant says:AIG advertised $500,000 life insurance policy for $15.00 per month. AIG sent nurse to my office for check up and did a routine urine and blood test. They called me back and said... "I was at risk of a heart attack and that my heart chamber was weak"...and that not to worry they would still insure me for $240.00 a month...I thought OMG...I'...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    My Claim vs. American General Life Insurance Company (Aig)

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    Claimant says:After receiving notice that AIG had a policy on my father I contacted AIG via the telephone number listed. Discussion with their Analyst who allowed he could not share any info until documents were filled out and received I inquired from him what the policy amount was and the response was "about $11.00" but he could not disclose details until docs...

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