Gillian A. Brady
Sacramento, California Area
Owner at Finding Common Ground Mediation & Law Services®
Consumer Advocate, Legal Professional, Public mediator/negotiator

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Invite Gillian to help you.

Online Mediation Scorecard

  • Solutions contributed: 0
  • Total Resolution Points: 100
  • Likes - by one party: 0
  • Likes - by both parties: 0
About Gillian

My job is to help people resolve conflicts. I am a private, confidential Mediator. I specialize in family and elder issues. I have been a licensed Attorney for 17 years and a Mediator for 12 years. I have helped hundreds of clients successfully resolve their issues with my mediation process. I believe mediation truly is the Better Solution. I have focused exclusively on mediation since I opened Better Solutions Mediation in 2004. I have over 650 hours of mediation and conflict resolution training. Most attorneys focus on litigating, and only mediate "on the side." When you are choosing your mediator, it is very important to find a mediator with excellent mediation skills. Going to court does not make an attorney a mediator, it makes them an advocate in a "win-lose" adversarial system. A Mediator uses their brain differently. Mediation skills must be studied and practiced constantly in order to be effective.DON'T LITIGATE, MEDIATE.With Mediation you: * Pay Less * Maintain Control * Promote Respect and Consideration * Focus on the Future * Reach Mutual, Lasting AgreementsIf you have children, Mediation helps you focus on the best interests of your children. I specialize in comprehensive parenting plans to help both parties avoid future conflict. Parents who mediate avoid ongoing court battles, which not only benefits their children, it saves everyone from the stress and high-cost of returning to court every time an issue arises.Visit my website to hear what my clients have said about my mediation process. Or call me directly, I will talk to you personally to help you decide if mediation is the right fit for your situation.

Knows about
  • Divorce / family law

    Family Law Attorney and Mediator since 2001, successfully mediated 100s of divorce and parenting cases.

My professional experience
Finding Common Ground Mediation & Law Services® (2004 To Present)
Better Solutions Mediation & Law Services (2004 To 2016)
Finding Common Ground Mediation Training (2010 To Present)
Cape Breton Cider Mill (2008 To Present)
My education
American University, Washington College of Law (Washington, DC)
My Certifications, licenses, affiliations, awards
  • California Bar License

Gillian A. Brady has a total of 100 PeopleClaim points. Contributions:

Claims: 0 recognition points
Trials: 0 recognition points