Public Mediation

Failed patient vs. UPMC and Dr. Robert F Quinlin

  • 10% of recovery offered for best resolution
T. A. vs. Upmc And Dr. Robert F Quinlin
200 Delafield Rd Ste 1000 Pittsburgh, PA 15215-3234 (mail returned as undeliverable), (Primary) 1 Medical Center Dr, Morgantown, West Virginia, 26506-1200, United States
Amount Involved: $1,000,000.00
Complaint(s): Side Effects | Negligence
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
      (seeking public comment)
    • Claimant Seeks: View.
    • Claim #: 3998457
    • Amount Involved: 1,000,000.00
    • Filed On: Aug 24, 2020
    • Posted On: Sep 04, 2020
    • Complaint(s):
      • Side Effects
      • Negligence
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"In 2006, I had roux en y gastric bypass surgery performed by Dr. Robert F Quinlin in Pittsburgh PA.  My surgery was successful and I have been very happy with the weight loss results I have had and maintained over the years, however, shortly after I lost most of the weight, I began to experience horrible stomach cramps which I just assumed was bad menstrual cramps. 

***UPMC and this doctor were aware of my health condition therefore it was also neglegent to place metallic clips inside a patient who receives MRI's frequently, as it is not proven either way if they can migrate over the years from the scans***
Over the years, this continued and I saw my gyne, then specialist after specialist, and it was determined that it must be endometriosis.  Trying to make a long story shorter, the cramps are always so severe that when I was in labor with my first child in 2012, I was not even aware that I was having contractions, I was just so used to that type of extreme cramping pain.

In 2018, I slipped on water in my kitchen and was having some pain following so a CT scan was performed.  When the pictures came back I was shocked to see on the scan that you can clearly see numerous metallic clips scattered everywhere seen as high as under my breasts down to the lowest part of my stomach.  I could not believe my eyes.  In the back of my mind I always would say, I wonder if something happened in my gastric bypass surgery.  These staples were originally around my stomach, how and why are they now everywhere?

At that point, I began seeing doctors and asking them if this could be the reason for this debilitating pain I was having and I honestly always felt like doctors were not giving me straight answers- no clear yes or no. Many people told me things like doctors will cover for each other, etc.   

Finally, after still trying to get some resolve or at least relief from this ordeal, my doctor referred me to a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor therapy.   I have been going to her for 2 months and she is trying to gauge a clear map on what causes my pain, what does not, what irritates things -whatever is happening here as with the extreme pain also comes stomach distention which makes me appear to be about 6 months pregnant and my stomach feels as hard as a rock when this happens.  I showed my PT this photo of my stomach and she gasped and said she feels my pain is directly related to these staples. 

She then called in a colleague from the other room whom she had told about my case and she too had the same reaction and they both could not believe that professionals have not said the same.  I almost burst into tears. Finally, someone in the medical profession said they believe me when I have been saying these staples are what is causing my pain and distention.  It does not happen every day. I probably have a bad flare up once every other week.  Sometimes more often.

I have 2 young sons (6 and 8) and when it happens it is so painful, I am often bent over in fetal position and can not do anything but lay down and go to bed which is not always possible being a mom.  I have the highest level of respect for Dr. Quinlin as he is indeed a brilliant doctor and he definitely helped me become a healthier person, however, I experience such horrible debilitating pain and have for many years, and I am saddened to think that I may have to endure this for the rest of my life if there is not a safe way to remove these staples without causing more harm.

My life has been affected by this and maybe continuously, therefore I feel it is only right that I am compensated for the years of pain, suffering, and loss this has taken and may take from my life.  I have not been able to attend numerous functions, etc for years due to this but what it takes from my sons hurts the most. 

Although my surgery was in 2006, I only saw and became aware of these staples being this way in 2018 so I know legally, I would still be able to pursue a case.  That was never my goal, but I am living in agony at times, and it's not fair to me or my family.  

Update April 16, 2021

On top of all of the pain this has caused me and is currently causing me, and time away from my children, something else was taken from me that has scarred me psychologically. When no one could find the exact reason for my pain, through the rule out method, my UPMC gyne suggested a hysterectomy to alleviate the pain. I had already suffered so much I would do just about anything for relief. After surgery and recovery, when the pain came back I was crushed. I gave up my ability to have more children based on this. I can never get that back."
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  • 10-18-2018 — CT scan done and scattered clips revealed
Exhibits View
What Claimant Wants Hide
1. Compensation: years (possibly life)pain and suffering, life disruption, seeking doctors help Sep 01, 2020 $1,000,000.00
2. Other – Copy claim to regulators Sep 01, 2020 $14.99
3. Other – Pay for claim posting cost Sep 01, 2020 $14.99
4. Other – Physical delivery charges Sep 01, 2020 $4.99
Cash total : $1,000,034.97
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Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from UPMC and Dr. Robert F Quinlin. This claim will remain posted until resolved
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  • Contributed Solution: by J Petaluma On 10-29-2020
    Dr. Robert F Quinlin and claimant should share cost 50/50 for 1 - 3 expert opinions from a bariatric specialist at a good teaching hospital More...
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  • Contributed Solution: by Elizabeth Johns On 10-17-2020
    Schedule a consultation with a radiologist/bariatric surgeon at a teaching hospital More...
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  • Contributed Solution: by George Maxwell On 09-30-2020
    Doctor should have responded; if not, contact bariatric surgeon and medical malpractice attorney More...
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